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Bey pov

I didn't know it. I should go in there by myself or bring them in.

Bey: You guys stay in the car if 10 minutes go by, come inside, ok?

They both nodded in agreement, and I got out and walked to the door. As I unlocked the door, Shawn was sitting on the couch staring right at me with a smirk on his face.

Shawn: I knew you would come home, baby

Bey: Where's Blue

He laughed and slowly started walking towards me

Shawn: She's where she belongs, which is in this house with her mom and dad as a family, but don't give a SHIT about this family. Don't you?

I know this nigga is not trying to guilt trip me I care so much for this family is he forgetting he cheated on me?

Bey: Shawn you fucking cheated on me in our own bed and with Blue in the house YOU DONT CARE ABOUT THIS FAMILY SHAWN. WHERES BLUE.

Shawn: I told you she came onto me I only want you baby only you..

He said while grabbing my waist and pulling me into him

I could feel myself getting weak I needed to find Blue before I do something I regret.


Shawn smashed me into the wall, covering my mouth with his hand

I cried and kicked, trying to get out his grip

He loosened his grip but not removing his hand from my from my mouth

Shawn: You have one choi-

Kelly and Alyssa ran through the door. I thanked God

Kelly ran over and pushed Shawn off of me and started beating the shit out of him.

Bey: Alyssa, help me find Blue, please !

Alyssa: O-Ok

I ran upstairs to check her room she wasn't in there. I started to worry but then remembered her playhouse in the backyard

I ran back downstairs and saw Kelly still beating Shawn's ass I just let her do what she wanted

Fuck that nigga.

I ran outside to her playhouse and saw her inside threw the window. It looked like she was crying.

Bey: BLUE!!

She looked up and ran to me, screaming with tears flowing from her eyes.


I picked her up, hugging her tight and kissing her all over.

Blue: Mommy daddy yelled at me!

She said, crying. I swear to god I will kill him

Bey: Don't worry, we're leaving forever Blue baby

Blue: OK mommy were are we gonna go?

Bey: Let Mommy figure that out ok, but I have someone I want you to meet.

I said, turning her to Alyssa. She just looked at me confused because we just met, and I'm introducing her to my daughter.

Blue: Mommy , who's that she really pretty.

Alyssa smiled, and Blue started squirming for me to put her down. When I put her down, she ran Alyssa and hugged her legs.

Blue: Hi ma'am, what's your name?

ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now