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Bey Pov


On my way to Kelly's house, I received a text from Megan, and I'm not gonna lie I fell in love after she put it on me like that my pussy still throbbing thinking about it

Megan: Hey mamas how you doin

Bey: I'm good my shit still throbbin I need you again baby😩

Megan: ima come fix that soon mamas 😈

Bey: how soon baby I don't think I can wait that long

Megan: How about I take you out for dinner and then beat that pussy up till sunrise

Bey: That sounds perfect baby I can't wait

Megan: I'll text you details later mamas I'm gonna get some rest

Bey: ok goodnight baby

I pulled into Kelly's at about 3am. I knocked on the door, hoping Kelly was still awake

I heard heavy footsteps, the door swong open, and I saw a tired Kelly.

Bey: Hey Kelly, sorry for waking you up this late.

Kelly: Just come in. It's cold outside
Tell me what happened

I tried not to cry, but I couldn't help it. I burst into tears, and Kelly hugged me, rocking me back and forth.

Bey: He fucked someone in our fucking bed. WITH BLUE IN THE HOUSE! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS WHY....WHY....

I took the ring of my finger and threw it across the room

Blue: Mommy?

Shit I woke up Blue

Bey: Yes, blue blue

Blue: Why are you yelling, mommy?

Bey: No reason, baby, go back to bed, baby

Blue: ok, mommy, I love you

Bey: Love you more, my beautiful blue

I looked at Kelly, and she could see I was about to cry again..

Bey: I just need some time alone, kelly...

I went to the room I would be staying in and took a well needed shower.
I missed Megan hands on my body. I just hope she gets rid of that boyfriend of hers so I can have her all to myself.

I hopped out of the shower and jumped right into bed, going into slumber...

Megan Pov

I woke up this morning with pardi missing from the bed

Lame ass nigga

I went to shower thinking of Bey and how I would be pounding that pussy with the strap I just bought.

I can't wait to use it on her after our date today. This reminds me that I need to send her the address and time to be ready.

I grabbed my phone and texted her

Megan: Good morning sexy mamas

Bey: Hey baby, did you sleep well?

Megan: The way you had me squirting, I slept like a baby.

Bey: I'll be sure to make sure that happens again😉

Megan: I'm gonna take you out today, baby.

Bey: Really?

Megan: Of course, baby, heres the address be ready by 5:00. I'll be there to pick you up around that time.

Bey: OK, baby, I'll be ready come to this address to pick me up

ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now