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2 Months later...

First Show in Sweden.

Bey Pov

Today was my first show in Sweden. I've been really demanding trying to make sure everything is perfect. I haven't spoken at all to my wife today because I didn't wanna wanna be distracted only because just her presence will throw my focus off.

I know she is here with the twins and Blue though because Sir is back here with me because he doesn't like all the attention from my fans or just people in general.

Blue on the other hand I'm still shocked she asked to preform. Blue has been watching me on stage since she was six so I knew this time would but I wasn't expecting for it to be now. I wasn't gonna let her preform until we're a few shows in though. She was upset about that but she'll be ok.

It's funny though because when I told Blue yes Rumi came up and asked the next day if she could preform too and I told her no. She cried about it for the whole week but then Megan took her out and she was good.


The show starts in about ten minutes and right now we're doing mic checks and making sure everyone's ear pieces are working.

I could hear the sound of the beginning show interlude and I know it was time to go.

The platform began to lower and I took a deep breath stepping on it once it stopped lowering.

Let's go Beyoncé.

Megan Pov

I watched as my baby sang Dangerously in Love. My baby is unmatched.

"Mama is this song about you?" Rumi shouted looking up at me.

"It sure is princess" I replied and she smiled.

"So mommy loves you a lot?" She asked over the loud music.

" She does babygirl..." I said kissing her forehead. She smiled and raised her arms up motioning for me to pick her up. We've been trying to break this habit because she's getting to old to be held.

"RuRu you know you're too old to be held" I said and she pouted "Please Mama?" I huffed but reached down and picked her up placing her on my hip. She laid her head on my shoulder continuing to watch the show.

I've been her favorite since she was a baby and it still shows till this day.

We all continued to watch Beyonce as she started singing I care.

I felt Blue stand behind me grabbing onto my arm. I looked over my shoulder seeing Blue with a little frown on her face.

She looked up at me and then pointed out to the crowd. I looked at where she was pointing seeing a bunch of people taking pictures of us and recording.

Blue isn't use to people taking pictures like that because we keep her away from. We keep all our kids away from it.

I looked at the people that were recording and gave them a warning look. They immediately put their phones down and turned around putting their attention back on Beyoncé.

I took my available hand and rubbed Blues back to comfort her and calm her down.

The only reason they got revealed to the public was because of the paparazzi. We were out on a family dinner and they somehow got our location and came snapping pictures.

ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now