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3 Days Later...

Bey Pov

Today was the day I was finally discharged from the hospital. I really didn't wanna leave because I have to leave my babies behind because they have to stay in the hospital until they are able to breathe on there own. I was so scared when I first woke up in the hospital and my babies were no longer in my stomach it made me think back to my first ever pregnancy.... my first miscarriage..

I was so broken and sad Shawn was never there for me during that pregnancy which led to stress causing my miscarriage.

I call Blue my rainbow baby because she was a miracle to me. She was my first successful pregnancy after my miscarriage and now that I have two more my life is complete and I'm glad it's with someone I love.



"Baby come on I promise they will be just fine" Megan said to me as I cried not wanting to leave my babies behind. "b-but I want them safe with me" I cried out while putting my finger in both Rumi and Sir's hand feeling them squeeze my finger softly. " Bey baby we will visit them everyday let's just get you home so you can rest the nurse said to take it easy." Megan said wrapping her arms around my waist kissing the side of my head "I.. Fine." I said. I watched my babies for a few more seconds before taking my fingers out of there hold and turning away from them pouting.

" Come on beautiful let's get you home" I nodded my head and we slowly walked out the hospital. The incision that they made is still kinda painful when I walk but it's not that bad. " Where's Blue?" I asked Megan. "She's at a friends birthday party from her dance practice" Huh?!

Why did she let Blue go to a party not knowing what those people's intentions are? I don't want any of those parents near my child because ever since I blew up all those parents have showed jealously towards Blue.

" You let her go to someone's birthday party? Without knowing there intentions!" I said trying not to yell but I still ended up raising my voice. " Beyonce she needs to have a normal kid life. I get that you don't want her around none of the parents up there because you think there all jealous of her. I wanted her to go and I was happy she asked." She said calmly but I can tell she was a little upset but I really didn't care. Why didn't she ask me about it?

"Why didn't you ask me about it?!" I said feeling a little pissed off. I heard Megan scoff "I knew you would say no" She said gripping the steering wheel tighter "I don't care Megan I'm her parent not you!" I screamed out instantly regretting the words that came out my mouth" Wait ba-" I tried saying " Nah save it Beyonce you meant that shit." She said harshly and the way her voice when lower let me know to keep my mouth shut.

The ride was silent for the next 10 minutes and once we pulled into the driveway Megan got out the car and just walked inside the house leaving me in the car.

I couldn't believe I said that after all the things she's done for us and I say some stupid shit like that?

Great job Beyonce.

I opened the car door stepping out the car feeling some pain in the lower abdomen. I whimpered getting fully out of the car closing the door. I went to take a step and pain fully took over making me cry out. Tears fell from my eyes as I continued my way to the door. The door was so far away and from the amount of pain I was feeling I felt like I was about to pass out.

I would call for Megan but I'm sure she wouldn't wanna help me.

My vision started to get blurry and I couldn't even walk in a straight line. I felt my body being picked up and carried into the house. I saw Julius's face and I thanked god for him being here. He carried me inside the house and to my bedroom leaving me there. I laid there waiting for the pain to go away but it never did.

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