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Kelly Pov

As soon as Bey left, I started thinking about what could happen now that Alyssa and I were alone. Anyone could sense the tension between us from a mile away.

I felt eyes on me the whole time I was cooking something for us to eat while Blue was sleeping. I turned around and saw Alyssa eye-fucking me.

I smirked and said

Kelly: Like, what you see, baby?

She didn't answer and bit her lip and kept eye-fucking me.

I stepped closer and lifted her chin so we were eye to eye.

Kelly: Are you gonna answer my question, baby? Or are you gonna keep eye-fucking me?

Alyssa: I think I'll do both..

I looked her up and down and pulled her by her waist and kissed her softly. She whimpered, and we slowly backed into the couch, causing her to fall right on top of my lap.

I moved my hands down to her ass and grabbed a handful of her ass.

Her shit is soft as hell. It feels like a plushy, no cap..

She started grinding in my lap and kissing me with more tongue.

I was about to take her shirt off, but I heard little feet running down the stairs. I internally groaned and softly pushed Alyssa of me.


Kelly: I'm right here, Blue baby.

Blue: I'm hungryyyy

I knew she would be.

Kelly: Come sit at the table. I made you some chicken nuggets and fries.

Blue: My favorite! Thank you, Auntie Kelly!

She started stuffing food into her mouth like she hadn't eaten in days.

I smiled and turned to Alyssa, who looked flustered and red because we got interrupted. I walked over to her and whispered in ear.

Kelly: Go upstairs and go to the room at the end of the hallway, and I'll be up there to finish you off, baby.

She smiled and got up and walked upstairs with a sway in her hips.

Fine ass...

I turned back to blue

Blue: I think I ate too much. My tummy hurts...

I looked at her plate, and it looked like she licked every last crumb off her plate.

Kelly: How about you go take a nap and sleep it off?

She nodded and walked upstairs to her room.

I hurried and cleaned up the plates and headed up the stairs to my room. When I walked in, Alyssa was waiting for me on my bed, looking like a damn meal.

I closed the door, locked it and hurried to the bed, and started kissing her roughly. I quickly removed her shirt and started kissing down her jawline all the way down to her bra and slowly removed it.

Kelly: Damm baby...

She was becoming antsy and eager, and I could feel the heat coming off of her body. I put one nipple into my mouth and sucked on it and then went to the other one and did the same.

She tried to push my head down lower to get me to the spot that needed attention most.

Kelly: Patience, baby

Alyssa: I can't wait any longer, please

I started kissing down her stomach to her pants and pulled them down. All I saw was a puddle of wetness.

Damn she got that super soaker

Kelly: damn ma its like that?

She nodded eagerly and pushed my head down to her panties. I ripped her panties off and started teasing her by kissing her thighs.

Alyssa: Fuck baby don't tease me...

Kelly: I'll get there baby be patient.

I kept kissing down her thighs and finally made it to her gushing pussy. I kissed her clit and more wetness started leaking from her pussy. She shoved my head down into her pussy and I had no choice but too dig in.

Alyssa: Mmmm fuck yea right there.

She stated, grinding her hips into my face, spreading her wetness all over my face. I took one finger and started fingering her to add to the pleasure.

Alyssa: YESSS! sssssshitttttt

I could feel her walls pulsating around my finger. I was so wet from just eating her out. I came up and kissed her lips, making her taste herself

Kelly: You taste so good, baby

I added another finger and sped up my actions.


I added my tongue back to her clit and felt her walls clinch around my fingers making them unable to move and squirt started flying everywhere and of course I cleaned all of it up.

Alyssa: shittt baby, make me wanna call you daddy the way you got me cummin...

I smirked at the comment and took my fingers out, and put them in her mouth so she could taste herself.

Kelly: Don't it taste good, mamas?

Alyssa: Mhm...

I grabbed her chin so we were eye to eye.

Kelly: Use your words

Alyssa: Yes, baby..

I laughed. She knew what I wanted her to say

Kelly: Wrong name, baby

She grinned

Alyssa: Yes, Daddy..

I like the way that rolls of her tongue

I kissed her deeply and slapped her ass one last time before I let her go clean herself up.

Hopefully, Blue didn't hear because Alyssa got some vocals on her with how loud she was screaming.

But that only means I did my job correctly...

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Sorry for the late update. I was doing stuff for the 4th of July update later tonight or tomorrow

(924 words)

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