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Bey Pov

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling pain consume my body. I tried to move my hands, but they were restricted by ropes. I was tied to the bed. I saw a bandage wrapped around my stomach it hurt like hell. I remember Shawn stabbing me in the side, forcing me to go with him. I was in a room, which I quickly recognized.

Me and Shawn's old room...

I heard shower water running, but that was the least of my concerns right now. I only worried about one thing, and that's Blue. I swear if he hurt her, I am gonna lose my shit. I tried wiggling my hands out of the ropes, but they were tied too tight for me to get out of.

I heard the shower water stop, and I started panicking. I know it's Shawn, who's in the bathroom, and I have no way of defending myself, and I have no clue what his intentions are. I heard the bathroom door open, and there stood Shawn at the door with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

Shawn: Hey baby..

I didn't reply, only looking at him with a deep scowl on my face.

Shawn: Don't look at me like that. I only took what's mine. That's you and Blue.

Bey: Where is my fucking child Shawn!

Shawn: Watch your tone with me Beyonce. Just know she's safe and is being took care of.

Bey: Your crazy Shawn. Im done with this marriage you cheated on me probably multiple times before I found out I want a div-

I felt three hard smacks to my face causing me to scream of in pain.

Shawn: We ain't getting no fucking divorce your mine Beyonce! You ain't goin nowhere and that's final!

I stayed quiet praying to god Megan is doing something to come find me. I really need her right now. I know I made her upset but I hope she still loves me enough to find me.

Shawn: Now you gon give me what I want Beyonce and I mean it. Open yo fucking legs.

I felt instant fear I knew he was gonna do this I don't want him to get his way but I know he's gonna hurt me if I don't listen.

Shawn: You heard me!

He gripped my throat choking me making it hard for me to breathe. I don't know what could happen if I don't but for the protection of Blue I gotta do this for her Shawn hurt her once and he would most likely do it again. I opened my legs letting him get between them I felt disgusted.

Shawn: I know you missed this baby. No girl can ever make you feel as good as I do...ain't that right?

No that's not right but just so I don't piss him off ima just say yes.

Bey: Yea..

He grabbed the waistband of my shorts and yanked them off pushing my legs farther apart. I wasn't even wet and one thing about Shawn is he never gives head he only receives it. He doesn't even turn me on only Megan and Megan only. He took his towel off and threw it to the side. I didn't even look down at it because I really didn't wanna see I felt him rubbing it against my lips and I felt violated, disgusted, scared, I held my tears back I really wanna be in Megan arms right now.

He shoved all of his length inside of me causing me to whimper in pain I hated this. He thrusted making sounds of enjoyment while I just sat there letting tears fall from my eyes. I only thought about my baby Blue praying the she was safe. It hurt so badly it felt like he was ripping my walls which only made me cry even harder making me beg him to stop.

Bey: P-please stop Shawn...your hurting me.

Shawn: Shhh baby im almost there...

Bey: No Shawn s-stop please...

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