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Megan Pov

I woke up inside of my car with Beyonce under me sleeping so beautifully. Im so happy she said yes she's finally mine and I plan to keep her mine until I die. I love her so much and I've never felt like this with anyone I've been with not even Pardi.

I got up off Beyonce and grabbed a blanket from the backseat and placed it on top of her body and put my clothes back on and climbed back into the driver seat so I could find us some breakfast.

I started the car and pulled off playing some soft music so I don't wake up Beyonce. I pulled into Wendy's to get us some breakfast sandwich's. I got our sandwich's and some orange juice and pulled off. I heard Beyonce stir in her sleep which means she's waking up.

Bey: B-baby?

She said looking around for me.

Megan: Im up here my love

Bey: Im hungryyyy

I knew it.

Megan: Here I got you a sandwich and an orange juice.

I handed her the bag and she grabbed it and started eating.

Damn no thank you or anything?

Megan: Damn Bey slow down.

Bey: Sorry the way you fucked me last night got me hungry as hell

I smiled feeling very accomplished.

Megan: I've never made love to anyone before so im glad I made you feel good.

Bey: Im the first person you made love too?

Megan: Y-yea

Bey: I plan to be your first and last then but I want you to meet someone tho.

Megan: Who?

Bey: My daughter..

I was shocked as hell she wants me to meet her daughter??

Megan: Y-you want me to meet your daughter??

Bey: Yess she's gonna love you were gonna go there right now actually.

She got up and put somebody's address in my phone I didn't wanna say anything so I just followed it.

30 minutes later....

We pulled up to this house it's was pretty big I didn't know who's house this was until I saw Alyssa's car in the driveway and I immediately knew this was Kelly's house.

Beyonce already put her clothes back on and was ready to go in.

I was scared shitless what if her daughter doesn't like me?

Bey: Come on baby I promise she's gonna love you

She pulled me to the door and knocked and of course Alyssa answered the door.

Alyssa: BB!

She hugged Beyonce and then came to me and hugged me.

I was a little calmer until I heard little feet running to the door and then I saw a little girl that was literally a copy and paste of Beyonce.



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ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now