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That Same Night...

Blue Pov

I groaned as I could hear my parents having sex. Gross. Like I said before I may be eleven but I'm not stupid.

This is why I keep my headphones on. I can't do that though since my mama threw my phone out the damn car window like a psycho.

Plus she hammered my old one.

I got off my bed and put on my slides leaving my bedroom. I went to the lowest part of the house which happened to be the movie room and went inside. At least I won't have to hear all of that.

I laid on the couch and laid in silence. At least this is peaceful.

That Morning...

Bey Pov

"Megannnnn please, baby please" I whined, pushing on her head. She's been eating my pussy for hours and hours. When I mean hours I mean the sun is up and she has gave me no rest.

"Shh, you gon give me this pussy until I wanna stop." She mumbled against me creating a vibration making me moan.

Where did all this energy come from???

I'm tired, I'm so sensitive and I can't take anymore.

I bit my lip feeling myself about to cum again. I've came so many times I lost count.

I shrieked and began squirting all over the bedsheets moaning as loud as my body would allow me too. Megan licked all over me cleaning me up before going back to my clit again. Fuck I can't take this anymore.

I mushed Megan making her disconnect from my clit and closed my legs tightly. I breathed heavily, moving my hair from my face.

I could feel Megan's fingers starting playing with my pussy and I groaned trying to scoot up the bed.

"No cmere' bey. Open that shit up." She said snatching me back down the bed. I whined as she pried my legs open getting back between them.

She started sucking viciously and I felt like I was gonna explode. My feet were flexed and I was moaning out to the gods and angels of heaven.

There was a knock at the door I and slapped my hand over my mouth. "Mommy! Mama! Blues not in her room
!" Rumi yelled and then instantly alarmed.

What do you mean she's not in her room?

Megan got off me and I ran to put my robe. I'm shocked I was able to walk but maybe it's adrenaline.

I heard Megan open the door while I tried to fix my hair and tie the robe around myself.

Once I did that I made my way to Blues room since they weren't in our room anymore.

"Bey she ain't hea'!" I heard Megan yell. Fuck! Please don't tell me she ran away.

"Check the damn cameras!" I was in full panic mode. Where is she?!

I went to the lower part of the house checking every room. I went to the movie room and looked inside there.

I could see a braids dangling off the side of the couch and let out a long breath.

"Blue Ivy Carter!" I shouted but not too loud. I saw her move on the couch and I smacked my lips.

Why is she down here?

"Mom? What are you doing?" I heard her say.

"I should be asking you that question child. Why are you sleeping in the movie room??" I asked walking further inside.

ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now