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The Next Day...

Bey Pov

I woke up this morning and Megan was gone. I've been in my head the whole time I've been getting ready for my second show today.

Blue hasn't said much except say good morning to me and honestly this is probably gonna be one of my emotional performances.

Blue walked into my dressing room with the outfit I was suppose to be wearing for the first act of the show.

She didn't even say anything, she just put it on the hook and started walking out.

"Blue come here please." I can't have tension with everybody. Especially not my kids.

She stopped and turned around walking over to me. "Yes mommy?" She questioned.

I pulled out the chair next to me and ordered for her sit down. She sat down next to me with a blank look on her face.

"I know yesterday was a rough day Ivy but I don't appreciate what how you acted yesterday. Don't ever raise your voice at me like that again. Don't ever walk out by yourself like that again. Do you understand me?" I said sternly.

"Yes ma'am..." she said lowly.

"I love you Blue but you're definitely gonna be in trouble for a while." I said.

"I understand..." she replied.

"Do you know where mama went?" Blue asked sadly.

"I don't baba..." I wish I did but I don't. I knew this was my fault and I could really use her comfort right now.

Blue immediately started crying and I pulled her into a hug. "Why are you crying baby?"

"I-I had a nightmare last night a-about dad" my heart instantly dropped. I thought she stopped having these nightmares?

"What? I thought you stopped having those nightmares??" With a bunch of therapy Blue was able to heal from the trauma she experienced and so was I.

"I-I know but the way that man pulled me i-it reminded me of what dad did to me." She stuttered out.

In that case I know she really needs Megan's comfort right now.

"I'll do my best to get your mama here ok?" She nodded and wiped her tears.

How am I gonna do this?

Megan Pov

I walked backstage as Beyoncé was on stage singing Cuff it. I had to leave for a few hours to visit a studio because I needed to vent.

I wasn't planning on coming back but I received a text from Beyonce that Blue had a nightmare.

I was very concerned and worried since she hadn't had one since she was 8 years old.

Once I arrived backstage I went to Beyoncés dressing room and seen Blue balled up on the couch.

"Baba..." I said softly. She launched up and once she saw me she ran into my arms.

"Mama...I-I missed you so much." She cried. I sighed and sat my purse to the side hugging her tightly.

"I know baby but I'm here now." I said in a comforting tone.

"Your mom told me you had a nightmare baby. What happened?" I questioned.

"I-I don't know...I guess when that dude grabbed me it triggered me and all I can think about is what my dad did to me..." she said sadly. My nostrils flared as I listened to how broken Blue sounded.

ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now