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Next day...

Bey Pov

"Bey where are you going?" Megan asked me as I got dressed in some sweatsuit.

"Don't worry about it Megan I'll be back in an hour or two" I said putting my hair in a ponytail.

"Bey you look like you're about to beat somebody's ass. Please be honest with me.." I heard a slight crack in her voice and I instantly turned around seeing her bottom lip trembling.

Megan has been very emotional and I completely understand. I wanna stay here with her but I can't let them think they got away with saying that to her.

Especially not Kelly.

She has something good coming for her ass.

I sighed lowly and walked over to Megan putting my hands around her neck looking up at her.

"Megan I have to defend you they almost ruined our relationship. I love you so damn much Megan and I will always be ten toes down for you. Please don't cry.." I placed a soft kiss on her lips after I finished talking.

Megan pouted deeply and she knows I can never resist her pout.

"Baby please just an hour." I said trying to kiss her pout away but that didn't work.

"Once I come back we can do anything you want" I said and that seemed to brighten her mood slightly.

"Please be careful Beyoncé" she said and I knew she was serious because she said my full name.

"I promise I will baby. I love you." I said kissing her lips gently. I felt tiny butterflies in my stomach something felt very different about this kiss.

"I love you too Bey" she said and I let go of her grabbing my purse.

"One hour Bey." She said and I nodded.

"One hour I promise" I said blowing her a kiss and walking out the house.

I couldn't wait to give Alyssa and Kelly a piece of my mind. I started up my range rover and pulled out the driveway. The drive was about 20 minutes and when I pulled up I could already feel my anger brewing. I got out of the car and went up to the door banging on it like the damn police. When the door opened just who I wanted to see opened the door.


She looked shocked to see me but I could also see fear behind her eyes.

"Oh um Hey Bey..." She said lowly putting a smile on her face but I wasn't playing any games.

"You know why I'm here Alyssa please give me one good reason why I shouldn't beat your ass right now" I said trying too keep my cool.

"Beyonce I- we didn't mean any harm." I laughed crazily this girl really thinks I'm playing games with her.

"You didn't mean any harm? Bring Kelly down here so I can light her ass up too." I said. Kelly really messed up this time. She's been my best friend since we were babies and the fact that she could even say something like that to someone I love hurts. It caused my relationship to fall apart but thankfully me and Megan worked passed it.

"Beyonce I don't think-"

"Alyssa...please don't test me right now." I said balling my hands up in my pockets.

"Come in... I'll bring her down for you.." She said opening the door wider. I walked in with my arms crossed. I stood near the front door because I wasn't gonna be here for long.

Alyssa went up the stairs and I huffed waiting impatiently. I soon saw Kelly skipping down the stairs. As soon as we made eye contact we both mugged each other.

ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now