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Bey Pov

Bey :M-Megan, what are you doing... put the gun down

Megan: Please don't leave me...

Bey: Im not...

That may have been a lie...

Megan: Stay here......please

Bey: Megan I-I can't... my trust for you is gone

Megan slowly moved her hand to the trigger.

Bey: Megan....No

Megan: I love you, baby

I tried to run up to Megan, but once I got close enough, she pointed the gun at me

Megan: Stay there... do y-you still love me?

Bey: I-I um


Bey: Of course I do, but you need to get your shit together, Megan...

I saw a glow in Megan's eyes when I said yes

Bey: But I need to distance myself from you... and figure out what I want

She nodded and put the gun down.

Megan: Can I get a K-kiss

I walked up to her slowly and gave her peck. I know she was pissed that I just gave her a peck, but it's for the best.

Bey: Bye Megan...

I left out

Megan Pov

I ran to grab my phone and quickly called Alyssa. After 4 rings, she answered out of breath

Alyssa: What's up?

Megan: Please come over

I said, crying into the phone

Alyssa: Im on my way

She hung up

20 minutes later....

I heard a knock at my door and ran to answer it and saw Alyssa at the door. I just busted into tears.

Megan: I killed him...

Alyssa: What??

Megan: Pardi...I killed him

I said, getting up and pointing at the body on the floor. When I looked back at Alyssa, her eyes were wide, but her face looked like she expected it to happen.

Alyssa: Let me call my people to come clean this up and then explain to me how it came to this....

I nodded, and she got on the phone, calling. However, all I could think about was Beyonce

I miss her, her smile, her laugh, her body, everything...

We didn't even have a real relationship, but she made me feel so full even though it was just sex... I wanted her to be mine, but I ruined it...

If only I would've done something sooner...

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even hear Alyssa calling my name.

Alyssa:  Megan?!

Megan: Oh, uh yea..

Alyssa: What happened??

ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now