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Bey Pov

I woke up with Megan cuddled on my chest still butt ass naked from our actions last night. Im still pissed she said that she stroked my ego real bad it's gonna take more then me just fucking her. I need to destroy that pussy and have her running and begging for me to stop last night I had her running but I need her to beg for me to stop. I know she's gonna have a hard time getting up.

I slowly got up trying not the wake Megan up but failed miserably when she pulled me back by my waist and groaned in pain.

Bey: What's wrong?

Of course im gonna act clueless.

She opened her eyes and mugged me.

Megan: You know damn well Beyonce my legs feel like jello and my pussy is sore.

Bey: You should've watched the mouth and im still pissed at you Megan.

Her face changed too a sad one.

Megan: Whyyyy I thought you fucked all your anger out on me last night.

Bey: Megan you made me feel insecure in the way I please you for all I know you could have been faking your moans and orgasms I need some time..

She looked at me with begging eyes like she wanted to cry.

Megan: Baby I-I would never fake anything with you. You make me feel so good baby I could never fake a moan or orgasm with you even if I tried please baby I don't like when you mad at me.

I huffed I still need time to think about it.

Bey: I don't know Megan I still need time but you need to soak for your legs.

She sighed and nodded.

I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me as I carried her to the bathroom. I sat her on the counter and went to start the bath for her I put some Sore Reliver in the bath with some Lavender soap to also help relax her muscles. Once the water was filled all the way I went back to Megan and picked her up carrying her to the bath and slowly lowered her in the water.

Megan: Mmmmm

Bey: That feel good?

She nodded I turned to walk away.

Megan: W-wait

I turned back around with my eyebrow raised.

Megan: C-can you get in with me?

I smiled I may be mad at her right now but she's too cute to resist.

Bey: Of course baby.

I took my shirt and sweatpants of and got in with her as soon as I was fully seated she scooted into my lap and played with my curls. We sat here for about 45 minutes until I noticed Megan falling asleep on my chest I knew we needed to get out. I tapped her thigh and her eyes shot open.

Bey: Megan we need to get out and get ready.

Megan: Mmmm ok

She lifted off me so I could get out. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me and grabbed a second towel for Megan. She slowly stood I could tell she was still hurting but the bath helped a little to where she could walk on her own. I wrapped the towel around her and helped her out the way she was hanging onto me let's me know she still wanted me to carry her around.

Bey: You still want me to carry you?

Megan: If you don't mind...

I laughed and picked her up and carried her to the bed.

ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now