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5 years later...

Megan Pov

I watched as Beyoncé talked about that things she wanted for her upcoming tour.


If you must know now we are married now.

I took a lot for me to build up the courage to propose to her but a bitch did it and Beyonce has my last name.

Beyonce Giselle Pete-Knowles.

Blue is now 11 years old and she has really grown into a mature young lady it's amazing.

Rumi and Sir are 5 years old and they're just big bundles of energy.

I'm working on my album Traumazine. It's coming along really good after I took a few years off.

"I want this tour to give everyone a place to be themselves and be free" Beyoncé said and I smiled watching how adamant she was about this.

My baby works so hard.

I think she felt me looking at her because while she was speaking she looked over at me for a second before smiling to herself.

"I want everyone to feel safe and be able to let their hair down." Beyoncé said and I seen that all the people in the room were listening to her and her only.

My baby has been worked so hard for respect and she still doesn't get it all the time but I'm glad these people are respecting her and listening to her.

I know this is gonna be a good tour.

The same day...

Megan Pov

"Blue come here please!" I yelled from downstairs. Blue mentioned that she needs to talk to me about something and I'll always be open to my kids whenever they wanna talk about something.

I saw her come around the corner and I gave her a smile.

"What did you need to talk to me about Ivy?" I said and a nervous look formed on her face.

"Well um...I was wondering if maybe I could work with the dancers and learn some dances and preform with mommy?" Blue asked and I widened my eyes.

"Blue I don't know that's a lot to handle." I said. One thing I don't want is my eleven year old daughter to overwork herself.

"I can do it mama! I'm ready to preform and I wanna dance" she said and I could tell she was very determined about this.

"It's not completely up to me baby but if this is what you wanna do you need to talk to your mommy ok?" I said softly and she nodded with a smile on her face.

She walked over to me and hugged me" I love you mama" she said looking up at me with Beyoncé's eyes.

"I love you more Blue Blue" I said back kissing her forehead.

Beyoncé rounded the corner with a tired look on her face and I could already tell she was overworking herself. I let go of Blue and walked over to Beyonce letting her lay her head on my chest.

"Baby you're overworking yourself..." I whispered kissing her forehead. "I wanna get an early start on this Megan" she said taking a deep breath.

"Bey everything will run smoothly your tour doesn't start for the next six or seven months. Calm down babygirl." I said kissing rubbing her waist.

"I know Megan but I want everything to be done so we can have time for rehearsals and practice" she mumbled inhaling my scent most likely trying to calm her nerves.

ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now