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3 Months Later...

Bey Pov

It's been about three months since all that shit happened and Megan has been way more protective over me and she barley let's me leave the house without her. Blue has been having constant nightmares and she'll only sleep threw the night if she's in the bed with me or Megan. My bump is actually bigger than usual I was never this big with Blue even though I don't know how many months I am which is why im going to the doctor today finally. I still don't know If I wanna have this baby or keep it but I know it's to late for me to terminate it. I am excited yet nervous because I wanted to have another baby with Megan even though she can't literally give me one but I wanted us to do it together and I can't help but feel bad that Megan didn't have any say in this and I feel guilty. Even though she said she would treat this baby like her own I still feel bad about this. Blue was more than happy about it she has been begging for a sister since she was four so she was the happiest on earth about me being pregnant.

Megan: Baby you ready to go?

Bey: Yea im ready.

I fixed up my shirt considering my stomach was out trying to cover it because I really didn't feel like changing into a baggy outfit because its way to hot outside for that.

Beyonce's Outfit

Megan: Baby you don't need to fix that shirt I've seen you fix that shirt at least 10 times

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Megan: Baby you don't need to fix that shirt I've seen you fix that shirt at least 10 times. Let your stomach show baby you look beautiful that pregnancy glow got you right.

Bey: Thank you baby it's just I-I feel ashamed..

Megan: Why??

Bey: This should be your baby Megan n-not his...and I know you can't produce anything like that but we could have got a sperm donor or something when the time was right. I can't help but feel like I cheated on you. You should've had some say in this but I just feel guilty that my Ex-husbands blood is running threw this baby's veins...

I heard Megan huff and felt her grab my waist turning me around so I was facing her.

Megan: Listen baby... I know that this baby isn't mine by word or blood but this baby is mine by heart. You didn't cheat on me Beyonce he took advantage of you baby... I will love this baby just as much as I love Blue Blue..

Bey: a-are you sure..?

Megan: Yes my love I already bought some unisex clothes and I've been lookin at cribs.

I smiled feeling a couple tears fall down my face I forgot how bad my hormones are when im pregnant. Megan is so good to me it makes no sense I don't know what I did to deserve her. I felt her kiss my tears away before bringing me into a soft embrace.

Megan: I love you Beyonce.

Bey: I love you too Megan..

Megan: Now come on we finna be late if we don't get on the road now.

ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now