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Megan Pov

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with Beyonce but she needs to get her shit together. She needs to communicate with me and tell me what's wrong or else this relationship will never work. I pulled into Alyssa's house she finally went back to her own house after being at Kelly's for who knows how long. I told her that I was coming over to get some things off my chest I had to leave or else I was gonna cuss her ass out and I don't wanna do that in front of Blue as much as it pained me to see the way her face fell when I told her I was leaving but I needed some air. My phone was blown up with messages from Beyonce.


Bey: Baby Im so sorry.

Bey: Please come home.

Bey: Just give me time.

It's always "Just give me time" with her.

Bey: I love you Megan.

Bey: I understand if you don't wanna come home but please let me know that your safe.

Bey: Please Megan.

I turned her notifications off for her messages and kept driving to Alyssa's I just wanna be with my bestfriend...

1 hour Later...

I pulled into her driveway and got out the car pulling out the key that she gave me for her house. We gave each other key's to our houses because we trusted each other and for cases of emergencies. I unlocked the door and walked in and Alyssa was watching TV damn near bout to fall asleep again.

Megan: Lyssa!

She shot up falling off the couch which made me bust out laughing because did she completely forget that I was coming over.

Lyssa: Megannnn don't just pull up in here like that!

Megan: I told you I was coming over!

Lyssa: Yea yea come sit so you can talk about whatever you wanted to talk about.

I huffed and walked over to the couch sitting on it getting pissed all over again.

Lyssa: Damn what happened?

Megan: Beyonce.

Lyssa: Oh lord Jesus what happened now?

Megan: You won't believe this shit Alyssa. This morning her and Blue brought me breakfast and we were eating and Blue was trying to get her attention and Blue called her name at least 3 times and she still wasn't replying so I looked back and Beyonce looked really deep in her thoughts. Blue finally got her attention and asked her about some shopping stuff by this point I was reading Beyonce and her body language and I could tell something was wrong. So I asked Blue to go play in her room for a second and asked Beyonce what was wrong she told me she was fine and gave me smile which I could see right threw. I told her she was lying and she got defensive and told me to drop it and stormed into the bathroom. I chased after her and kept asking what's wrong and she kept blowing me off so I left.

Lyssa: Wow um.. have you talked to her since?

Now that I think about it I haven't talked to Beyonce in at least an hour and a half.

Megan: No...It's been an hour and a half I turned her notifications off because she was blowing my phone up.

Lyssa: Well I think you should let her know straight forward that if she doesn't communicate then this relationship isn't gonna work.

Megan: I was gonna do that anyway but I feel like she's hiding something...

Lyssa: It could be about Shawn...

My ears perked up I need to know everything about this man because the way her pulled up to her house doesn't sit right with me.

Megan: Do you know anything about him??

She looked up and shook her head yes.

Megan: Tell me..

Lyssa: Kelly told me not to tell you but I can't hide this from you. Shawn is Beyonce's ex-husband and he is also Blue's dad. Ummm.... He was her first everything first kiss, first love, the first person she had sex with, all that stuff. They were together for 10 years but Shawn was in the game and once Beyonce got pregnant he tried to get out the game but once your in the game your stuck so he just had one foot in and one foot out. Kelly told me once Blue was born Beyonce would hardly be intimate with Shawn anymore. Beyonce was focused on Blue and getting her Clothing line on the road Shawn started stepping out of there marriage seeing other women without Beyonce knowing. Beyonce noticed the change in his behavior but she brushed it off until one day she came home from visiting her family and walked into Shawn and another women having sex. She quickly grabbed Blue and left never returning and now he is searching for her and who knows what he could do...

I was frozen in my seat..Beyonce went threw all of that? He knows were she lives and I left her there by herself... I pulled my phone out and turned the notification's on and my phone flooded with messages from Beyonce and even a video message from Blue.


Bey: Baby I need your help!

Bey: Please Megan!

Bey: Someones in the house!


I hurried to the Blue's video Message and started playing it.

Blue: Mama someone's here there hurting Mommy! I need you Mama please come get me mommy told me to hide in my closet. Im scared Mama please help.

I could here Beyonce's screams in the back and my heart dropped I heard glass breaking and Beyonce scream again.

Blue: Mama please come home! Mommy's hurt!

I heard someone shout Blue's name in the background the voice got closer and closer and I saw the closet door open and someone grabbed Blue and dragged her out. Hearing Blue scream for me hurt my soul I failed them both...

Someone picked up the ipad and I immediately recognized the face.


He stopped the video and that was it...

Lyssa: What's going on?

Megan: S-Shawn he's got Blue and Beyonce I gotta go..

I started packing up my stuff and Lyssa ran to get her shoes and trailing behined me to the car. She called Kelly letting her know everything that was happening and from the sounds of it Kelly was livid. I was panicking and thinking of the worst what if he hurt her? I have no clue were he took them. Only if I stayed instead of leaving I could've protected them...

This is all my fault...

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Sorry for the slow updates I got school and stuff so Im trying to balance everything.

Love yall!

Sorry for mistakes!

(1079 words)

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