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Tim's POV
After shift I drive right home when I get inside I see Lexi on the couch with Kojo.
"Hey Lex." I say softly.
"Hello." She says coldly.
"I'm sorry for telling Lucy about your past. It wasn't fair because you don't go around telling stuff about Isabel." I tell her.
"It's fine Dad. So about this other girl?" She asks as I sit next to her.
"So both her parents Od'd and she was thrown around the system like you. She's 15 as well. Lucy and I thought you would be able to relate to each other." I tell her.
"Ok. Is she nice?" Lexi asks me.
"Of course, also they will be here at about 7." I tell her. Her jaw drops.
"What the hell! You should have told me before I need to shower, put on make up and get changed I look like a rats ass!" She panics and gets up.
"Lex calm down she won't mind. Also you know how I feel about make up." I tell her.
"I know! I'll only do a light face!" She says and then leaves me siting there confused as to what a light face is.

Lucy's POV
"Tamara!" I yell as I walk into my apartment.
"Yeah?" She calls from her room, I open the door and sit down on her bed.
"We are going over to Tim's." I say knowing she will want to put on make up and get ready and then make tiktoks with me.
"NO! But turns out he has an adopted daughter, same age as you and similar situation but I don't think her parents died the same as yours. Tim and I thought you would be able to relate." I tell her.
"Alright, well I'm gonna get ready, how long do we heave?" She asks.
"About an hour, I know it's not ideal but we will have to work with it." I tell her as she starts to pick an outfit.

After 40 minutes Tamara and I are ready. I'm in some jeans, a tank top with a jacket over it, Tamara is in some baggy jeans with hearts on them and a crop top, she also has on some converse and a small purse.
We jump in the car and I drive us over to Tim's.

Alexis' POV
I'm actually pretty excited to meet Tamara, I know a Tamara and she's my friend. Last thing I knew she was off the streets, it could be her but I doubt it. I'm wearing a skirt, some docs and a crop top just to annoy Tim.
"Lex!" Tim calls. I leave my room.
"Yes?" I ask with a smirk as he stars at my outfit.
"Uh-uh. No." He says shaking his head.
"What why?" I ask him.
"You can see half your body!" He exclaims.
"Well it's not like we are leaving the house and it's just two girls. Also this is what's trending!" I tell him with puppy eyes.
"Fine." He says annoyed. We then here a knock at the door. We head over to the door and Tim opens it to show two familiar faces.
"Tamara?!" I exclaim.
"Lex?!" She says and then hugs me.
"Wait, You guys know each other?" Tim asks confused looking at Lucy's face.
"Yes! We are friends, I guess we just weren't that close." Tamara shrugs.
"C'mon! Let's go to my room." I say and wave in Tamara. I show Tamara to my room.
"Why was I not gonna lie sensing a vibe between Tim and Lucy?" I ask Tamara as I sit on my bed and she looks around at my art.
"Oh girl let me spill some TEA!" Tamara says. She then sits next to me.
"Ok so Tim was Lucy TO and then when she was abducted he saved her, and they are super close and Lucy denies it but I know she likes him, Also they went Undercover together and I walked in on them MAKING OUT!" Tamara gossips.
"Woah! When?" I ask confused since he's never really mentioned her.
"Maybe 2 months ago. I've been trying to get them together, wanna help?" She asks me. Tim has been lonely since he broke up with Ashley.
"Let's do it!" I giggle.

Tim's POV
As Lucy and I talk about work I suddenly see two giggling teenagers appear.
"Hey!" They say together between giggles.
"Hey girls what are you doing?" Lucy asks looking at them watching Lexi's phone together.
"Making Tiktoks!" Tamara says.
"Oh my god you should do it with us!" Lexi suggests.
"Lexi what have I told you about making Tiktoks with you. No way in hell." I tell her as she pouts, the Tamara pouts with her and then Lucy turns around and pouts as well.
"Fine, only one." I cave. 
"Yay!" The three girls shout. They show Lucy and I the tiktok dance and I roll my eyes but I do it still.
Lexi giggles and grabs her phone and then shows Tamara.
"Ok well dinners ready girls." I tell them.
"Ok." Lexi says.

Lucy's POV
I can' believe we got Tim to make a tiktok with us. We all sit down at the dinner table and dig into our food.
"So Lucy what's you opinion on Tamara wearing make up?" Lexi asks with a smirk. I see Tim look at me and shake my head so I stay quite.
"She let's me wear it as long as I don't rely on it to know I'm a stunner!" Tamara speaks up.
"Hm really. Dad see!" Lexi whines to Tim. "Also I'm sure Lucy didn't give Tamara shit for her outfit, she's wearing a crop top too! I told you it's trendy!" Lexi keeps whining.
"Lex, we will talk about it later." Tim says. Making his daughter huff.
"So Tim, Lucy. Tamara told me about your undercover op." Lexi says being persistent to talk.
"She did? How much?" Tim asks giving me a 'well shit' look.
"All the juicy deets!" She says with a smirk. I blush when I mean she's talking about the kiss. Tamara looks at me and cocks her head seeing me blushing.
"Anyways! So how was everyone's day?" Tim asks trying to change the discussion. Thank god.

Tamara's POV
After we eat Lexi and I head to her room so we can spy on them.
"Lucy so blushed when you mentioned the op." I tell Lexi as we peek out her door and see them siting side by side.
"I know! But I have an idea, tonight I'm going to ask Tim about Lucy, then I'll just convince him to ask her out!" Lexi says.
"Ok." I tell her.
A little later of us spying on them Lucy comes and gets me and we say goodbye to Lexi and Tim and head home.

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