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Tim's POV
After Lucy and Tamara leave Lexi comes out of her room.
"Hey Lex. Have fun?" I ask my 15 year old who flops onto the couch next to me.
"Yeah! I just have some questions.." She says trailing off at the end.
"What is it?" I ask.
"I was sensing a vibe between you and Lucy. I feel like you like her! I caught you smiling at her a bunch." She says with a smirk.
"Uhm, I'm sure you didn't, there's nothing going on with me and Luce..y." I say.
"Bullshit! Tell me, I know you like her. She cool."  Lexi says to me.
"Fine, maybe I like her slightly." I say. She looks at me.
"Bffr." She says as she rolls her eyes.
"What the hell does bffr mean?!" I exclaim.
"Be fucking for real, now spill, your lying to me." Lexi says.
"Fine, I fucking like her so much but it hurts because I can't act on it, she funny, kind, sweet and very beautiful it's actually annoying." I rant.
"Oh my god." Is all she says her jaw is on the ground. "Your in Love with her OMG!" Lexi squeals.
"No shit, but she doesn't like me that way and it can't happen." I tell her annoyed.
"Ok one Tamara says she so saw Lucy blushing when I mentioned the UC op, also Tamara says she does like you back, Like like, like. Also if you like her so much, she's then worth the risk, take the risk. I don't know like YOLO!" Lexi says. I've never been more thankful to have a teenage girl.
"Really? I mean I guess she's worth the risk and I guess she's shown signs. Also I'm not in her chain of command anymore." I say thinking out loud.
"That's the spirit! You should text her that you need to talk to her tomorrow." Lexi tells me with a smile.
"Ok. What would I do without you?" I ask her. I give her a hug and she helps me type out  message for Lucy and what I should say tomorrow.

Lucy's POV
Tamara and I walk into our apartment and flop down on the couch. 
"Why has Tim still not made a move?" I complain.
"I know right! Can I tell you a secret but you can't tell anyone?" Tamara asks.
"Of course!" I say.
"Lexi's going to persuade Tim to ask you out.." Tamara says with a smile. 
"You better not be jok-" I get cut off by my phone chiming. I take a second to read a text from the one and only Tim Bradford.
"Is it Tim?" Tamara asks eagerly.
"Hey, I wanna talk to you after work tomorrow. Maybe we can go out and get some veggie burgers or something, also thanks for coming over, Lex and I had a great time. smiley face." I read out loud to Tamara.
"Told you!" Tamara says with a smile. "Anyways I'm going to go to bed, Night!" She says and hugs me. After she leaves I sit on the couch a little longer still in shock that Tim's finally making a move. About time, I've been trying to hint to him forever. After another minute of thinking I get up and head to bed.

Tim's POV
The next day is very regular. The whole day I've been excited for end of shift. At the end of shift I tell Lucy where to meet and then we head our separate ways to get changed. I arrive at the food trucks a bit before Lucy so I order us food. I'm waiting on my phone texting Lexi whose encouraging me or what she would call hyping me up when Lucy sits down.
"Hey!" She says with a smile. She's in a beautiful skirt and shirt.
"Hi. Here this is yours." I say as I hang her the burger.
"Thanks, so what did you need to talk about?" She asks as she grabs her burger and starts to eat.
"So, last night Lexi made me realise, I really like you. I've always pushed it down because you were my boot and it would be risky. But your worth the risk." I tell her straight up. Her smile grows.
"Bout time you made a move!" She giggled. "Tim, I've been waiting for this. I like you too." She adds with an adorable smile.
"Really?" I say with a smile.
"Yeah." She says shyly. After a moment of silence she speaks up. "So does this count as a date?" She asks with a smirk.
"Hm. Sure." I say as I smile back.

After we finish eating, I walk Lucy over to her car.
"So, would you like to go on another date sometime?" I ask shooting my shot.
"Sure! Just text me." Lucy says with a smile. I look at her, her gorgeous brown eyes. Something in me snaps and I slowly lean down to kiss her. She hooks her arms around mt neck and I cup her face as we kiss. Time stops and I don't even care if anyone is looking. After what feels like an eternity she pulls away.
"Your a good kisser Bradford." Lucy says smirking.
"Not bad yourself Chen." I tell her, I then give her one more kiss.
"Goodnight." She says.
"Night Luce." I tell her and then open her car door for her and wave her off. I smile to myself thinking about what the fuck just happened. 

Lexi's POV
I'm laying on my bed with Kojo doing homework when I hear Tim's car pull up. Kojo and I sprint to the door. When he opens the door he's smiling like a crazy person.
"I think it's safe to say it went well." I smirk.
"Maybe." He says extending the end of the word.
"Spill!" I say and drag him to the couch.
"Ok, so she said she liked me too, and then she asked if it was a date and I agreed and then when she left she agreed to another date and then we kissed. A few times." He says with a huge smile.
"Your so welcome for setting up Chenford!" I say with a smirk.
"What ford?" My Dad asks with a confused look on his face.
"It's your and Lucy's ship name. Tamara and I made it up with Aunt Angela." I tell him.
"I'm not even going to ask what a ship is. Anyways I'm going to bed and you should soon too. Night Kiddo." He tells me.
"Night old man!" I joke. He looks at me and rolls his eyes and heads to his room.

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