Knock of shame

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Lucy's POV
"Hey, can Lex and I go to our friends 17th birthday?" Tamara asks while we all watch TV.
"Sure!" I say.
"Girl or Boy friend?" Tim asks at the same time.
"Girl." Lexi smiles.
"Where?" Tim asks. I roll my eyes knowing he will ask about 50 questions.
"Their house." Both girls answer.
"Parents home?" Tim asks.
"Yes. Their Mum since she planned it." Lexi says but I already know no parents will be there. Now Tim moves onto safety stuff.
"What do you say if someone offers you a drink or drugs?" Tim asks right on cue.
"No thanks I'm driving." Both girls repeat.
"What do you see if a guy is trying to get him to sleep with you?" Tim asks. I drop my jaw.
"No thanks I have a boyfriend." Lexi says but Tamara decides to be a smart ass.
"I would but you probably have a STD."
"TAMARA!" I laugh.
"Dad we will be good we promise!" Tamara says.
"Fine. Is that what your wearing?" Tim asks looking at their outfits. I notice how they are both wearing jeans and jackets with converse so they will have crop tops and short skirts on underneath.
"Yeah." Lexi nods.
"Alright. Go, have fun be safe and don't be too late." Tim says. Both girls quickly leave the house. As soon as I hear the door close I turn to Tim.
"You know there most definitely will still be like loads of boys, there won't be parents they will probably be back late, they both will be pissed drunk and I know for a fact under the jeans and jackets are short skirts and crop tops then in the car they will have heels or nicer shoes." I tell Tim. He quickly gets a serious look on his face.
"What." He asks.
"Yeah." I nod as I turn back to the TV but Tim flicks it off.
"How do you know?" Tim asks.
"Because I'm younger then you, also I had strict parents and that's exactly what I would do, and you won't be happy about this but they most likely will at least make out with one person. Might even be a girl if we are lucky." I shrug knowing all the shit my friends did while drunk.
"LUCY WE NEED TO GO SAVE THEM!" Tim says jumping from the couch.
"Relax Tim they will be ok, I'm sure you got drunk a few times when you were underage. They will be fine." I assure him pulling him back down.
"Lucy that's our babies they are out there in the big world gett-" Tim rants but I cut him off with a kiss.
"They will be ok. So instead of worrying how about we make out." I suggest and Tim pulls me onto his lap and we start to make out.

Tim's POV
Lucy and I spend a few hours watching TV and we decide to lock the girls out if they are after 12. 12 rolls around and Lucy jumps up and locks all windows and doors.
"This is going to be so funny." Lucy giggles.
"NO! This is serious they lied! I'm grounding them." I tell her annoyed.
"Tim, don't. They only lied because they wanted to go spend time with their friends. It's ok to be sad that they lied but don't ground them it will just make them lie more. We just need to tell them that next time to not drink as much and to be honest in case something goes wrong." Lucy tells me.
"Fine." I roll my eyes. We turn off the lights and go to our room and pretend we are asleep so when they get home they will think they woke us.

Tamara's POV
Lexi and I are both tipsy so we decide to walk home. We also forgot our jackets and jeans so it's cold. We get to the house and see all the lights are off. I ignore it and we stumble to the door. I try to open the door but it's locked.
"Lex, got your key? Locked." I slur to her.
"Mphno." Lexi mumbles.
"We have to knock. Act normal." I tell her but still slur. I knock probably waking up both mum and dad.

Lucy's POV

We hear the knock on the door and get up. I get to the door and open it and immediately can smell booze.
"Hi girls! Was the party fun?" I ask with a smirk.
"Uhm yeah!" Tamara slurs but Lexi launches herself through the door.
"Bit drunk are we?" Tim says as Lexi trips and hugs him.
"Sorrrryyy!" Both girls giggle. Then I bring attention to their outfits. Knew it they are both wearing short skirt and crop tops.
"Ok well let's get you girls dealt with." I tell them. We get them inside and turn the lights on and they look like ass.
"Mummy I feel siiiick." Lexi mumbles.
"SAME!" Tamara giggles. We quickly rush them over to the bathroom and Tim grabs a bucket for one of them. They both start throwing up their guts. I grab hair ties and tie up Tamara's hair and then Lexi's.
"You girls know I knew all about this." I say.
"How?" Lexi asks as she flops onto the ground.
"Because I'm not THAT old." I giggle.
"Are you mad?" Tamara finally asks as she wipes her mouth on her sleeve.
"Yes, but you aren't in trouble." Tim says.
"What? Why not?" Tamara asks confused.
"Because we know the only reason you lied is that you felt like we would say no. But we really don't mind if you do go to parties because you are teenagers. But just next time you have to be 100% honest, you can't get this drunk and wear more appropriate clothes even though the outfits are cute." I tell both girls. Tim comes back in the bathroom with glasses of water.
"Drink." Tim says as he hands them both a glass. 
"Alright girls, how about you two take showers, get in some comfy clothes, brush your teeth and sleep it off." I tell them.
"Ok. Can you bring me clothes?" Lexi asks. I nod, I grab them both a set of fluffy pants and a t-shirt and then head over to the bathroom. I leave one set for Lexi then help Tamara over to Tim and my ensuite and leave the clothes for her and tell her the same thing I told Lexi.
"If you need anything just call out." Then I leave and flop next to Tim on the couch.
"Your good at looking after them." He says with a smile.
"Thank you. It sucks but you need to let them off the leash a bit, they will learn to be responsible that way." I tell him and he nods. When the girls finish their showers and doing all the usual stuff Tim and I help them to their own beds, we leave them a glass of water and a bucket. They both fall asleep within seconds. 

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