First Arrest. Kind of?

711 13 4

TW Attempted rape of a minor and mentions of rape.

Tamara's POV

"Hey pretty girl." Lewis says in the disgusting tone I knew he would use.
"Hi." I smile looking at him.
"Want to sit?" He asks pointing to the chair.
"Sure." I grin acting along with it. We take a seat and we talk for about an hour until he finally has a run at me.
"You know I usually go for someone older then you." Lewis tells me brushing my cheek with his thumb.
"Really? You date lots of women?" I ask.
"Sort of, no one's been good enough yet. I think your different." He smirks as his eyes flicker down to my lips.
"Oh, I've only dated two people." I state truthfully.
"We could make it three." Lewis says as he leans in.
"Hm?" I hum trying to get him to do something, I really don't want this greasy asshole to touch me but it's for mum. She helped me, so I will forever help her. Lewis leans in fully and attaches his lips to mine. I quickly pull back.
"Please don't. I don't like kissing till at least after the first date." I tell him.
"Ok, then I'm going to take you home. Dates over." Lewis tells me and starts kissing me again. For someone who is in his late 30's he sucks at kissing.
"I said stop." I murmur as his hand goes up my leg to my thigh.
"I don't care." He tells me, his hand goes higher up my leg. I see a hand go up in the air with a four so I know Billie got the video. I quickly jump off the bench while Tamara sneaks up behind us.
"I said please stop." I tell him.
"I don't care. You signed up for this. Let's go." He tells me standing up. I quickly kick his nuts and Tamara tackles him over as he hold his nuts.
"OW! YOU FUCKING BITCHES." Lewis groans.
"We are making a citizens arrest. Let's go." Lexi says as she cuffs him with Dad's off duty cuffs.
"WHAT DID I DO?" Lewis asks pissed off as we all walk him towards the parking lot.
"You raped my mum, also you just attempted to rape me." Lexi tells him. I leave the other two with Lewis and grab my phone. 

Angela's POV
I'm at home when my phone starts ringing. I see it's Tamara I answer and hear a male voice in the background.
"Hey Ange, we need you to meet us at the park near our house." Tamara tells me.
"Why? Is Tim and Lucy ok?" I ask confused.
"Yeah, you can't tell them though. Bring your badge and gun be here ASAP, he's fucking mad." Tamara tells us.
"Who?" I ask grabbing my stuff.
"Doesn't matter. We have video proof of the whole thing and he's got dad's spare cuffs on." She tells me.
"Alright I'll be there soon." I tell them. I yell at Wesley that I have to go into work and then I head off. I arrive at the park a few minutes later and see Billie, Tamara, Lexi and a greasy late 30's male.
"What the hell is happening? Who is he?" I ask them.
"The asshole that fucked my mother." Lexi smirks.
"Is that Lewis?" I ask with my jaw almost on the ground.
"Yes ma'am. Are you here to take me home?" Lewis smirks.
"Yeah! Take you home to prison buddy." I smile back.
"Thanks Ange. We will meet you at the station." Tamara nods. I drive Lewis back to the station and get him situated in holding and head off to find the three girls.

Lexi's POV
While we wait for Angela to get back we write statements knowing we need them, get the Instagram account ready and the video.
"Alright, tell me how you guys got him. It better be good, because we have tried to get this asshole away for ages but no one's been able to." Angela says locking the door to the break room. We explain that we made the Instagram and he messaged us and we show her the dm's. We then tell her that we stole dad's cuffs and went to the park. We gave her our statements and Billie's phone that has all the proof.
"Holey shit guys. You made a full on arrest." Angela says after she reviews all the evidence.
"Helps we basically work here." Tamara shrugs.
"This should be good to get him away." Angela smiles.
"Really?" I ask hopeful.
"Yeah, I mean T asked him to stop, he didn't then the ball kick can be counted as self defense and the tackle was basic use of force for an arrest." Angela states, we all talk for longer answering Angela questions on record.

Lucy's POV
It's around 10 and the girls aren't back so Tim check their Life 360.
"What? They are at the station." Tim tells me showing me his phone.
"Fuck. They better not have been arrested." I say as I text the neighbour to look after the girls. When the neighbours gets over to babysit we rush down to the station, when I get in I'm greeted by Grey who was staying late tonight.
"Your girls did a good job tonight." Grey tells us when he sees us.
"What are you fucking talking about? Where are they?" I question him.
"They made an arrest? Did you not know? But they are in the break room with Angela." Grey asks and says.
"No!" Tim exclaims as we rush towards the break room with Grey hot on our heels. I knock on the door since it's locked and Angela's eyes go large and she unlocks it.
"WHO THE HELL DID YOU ARREST AND WHY?" Tim asks clearly mad as well.
"An asshole." Tamara smirks proudly.
"Who?" I order them.
"Lewis! Relax, we were getting your damn justice be happy!" Tamara tells me.
"What." I say quietly.
"We took cuffs, made fake Instagram, he slid into dm's, met up with him, he try to fuck T, Billie recordy, T kick his tiny nuts, I tackle, we arrest, we call Angie, he go bye bye." Lexi says in a silly tone.
"Guys, it was a solid arrest." Grey assures us.
"Is he going away?" I ask hopeful.
"Yeah. Your welcome." Tamara smiles, tears drip from my eyes as I hug Tamara.
"Thank you T. Thank you so fucking much." I thank her and pull Billie and Lexi into the hug.
"It's ok. Just fix your type Mumma." Tamara giggles.
"I have a husband so it's not necessary." I smile and hug Tim.
"Hey, our girls are like their 'Mumma' they made their arrest before being a cop." Tim smiles proudly.
"Your welcome." I shrug.
"There is some bad news." Angela says disrupting the moment.
"Yeah?" We all ask.
"Court. You can testify if you want to. But the three of them have to." Angela says.
"Done." Tamara says.
"Done." I mock Tamara.
"Lulu, you don't have to." Tim reminds me.
"I'm going to. He will go for longer, we can find others as well." I tell Tim looking at him right in the eyes.
"Alright." Tim nods hugging me again. We spend about another hour discussing everything and then we drop Billie home and head back to the house.

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