The stay at Angela and Wesley's

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A/N so this part is basically the same days as the last part but it's of Lexi and Tamara's POV's at Wesley and Angela's!
TW Mentions of MURDER

Tamara's POV

After Tim and Lucy leave we all head inside.
"Jack! We have some visitors!" Angela announces, suddenly a little boy comes running at us Lexi and I squat down and hug him.
"Hey little man!" I say. 
"Hey Tamara and Lexi! KOJO!" He giggles, Jack then runs over to Kojo and gives him cuddles.
"Tamara, Lexi and Kojo will be staying with us for a bit while Auntie Lucy and Uncle Tim are on their honeymoon." Wesley say as he scruffs up Jacks hair.
"Auntie Lucy and Uncle Tim sitting in a tree! K-i-s-s-i-n-g!" Jack giggles making us all laugh.
"Good boy Jack." Angela smirks.
"Did you teach him that?" Wesley asks not even surprised.
"Whoopsie. Anyways! Lex and Tam you guys have to share the guest room follow me." Angela says and waves us. We take our suitcases to the room and ditch them.
"Thanks for having us guys." Lexi says as we sit in the lounge room with the rest of them.
"Don't even thank us plus your technically my Nieces and you are my god children." Wesley smiles.
"Plus we want the tea on Lucy and Timothy." Angela smirks.
"Fine!" I roll my eyes and spill some drama on them with Lexi. At around lunch time we all decide to head out for lunch and to go to the park. In the car on the way back to our home for 5 days Angela gets a call.
"Yes sir?" 
"Yeah they are with me."
"Alright we will be there soon." Angela says and then hangs up the phone.
"Girls we need to go into the station, someone is being a pain in the ass in interrogation." Angela tells us also hinting to Wesley we need to go to the station.
"Heck YEAH!" I excitedly say.
"Yes! Thank god because I'm getting low on apple pay, I was going to ask dad or mum once they land because they will be happy." Lexi shrugs making us all laugh including Jack even though I don't think he gets it. 

Lexi's POV
When we arrive at the station Angela gives Wesley a kiss and I quickly take a picture so Mum and Dad can torment them.
We head inside and we go to Mum's desk where there is a case file waiting for us.
"Awe! Look it's a picture of us!" Tamara points to the picture on the desk. I smile at it then we get to work looking into the case. When we finish preparing we head over to Angela whose going to be supervising us.
"We are ready to crack this bitch." I smirk.
"Alright let's go." Angela says. We walk into the room where there is the suspected Murderer.
"Look it's the Bradford girls!" The officer smiles. Tamara and I wave and smile and sit down in the seats. I give the man across from us an innocent smile.
"Alrighy! So what did you do?" I ask acting dumb.
"Your a cutie you know? You can't do anything to me." He smirks.
"Your right! We are just little girls, so why don't you just tell us? There isn't anyone here." Tamara smiles innocently as well.
"Maybe I'll even give you my number!" I smirk.
"Sold, I killed that ass hole." He smiles proudly.
"Hot." I shrug acting to get more information.
"I killed him by overdosing him and made it look like suicide. He's not the only one, pretty hot right?" He smirks.
"Thanks handsome!" I smile as we leave for the observation room.
"You girls surprise us every time I swear." Angela giggles.
"We have a secret touch. If they call us cute we go for an approach of making them feel like they have a chance. They really don't because we both are take-" I say but stop realising I'm outing us. 
"No please continue!" Angela begs as we head out to wait for Wesley. 
"Fine! We both have boyfriends, Mine's name is Carlos and Lex's is Leo. They are so cute and they are bestfriends so we all hang out!" Tamara giggles.
"Oo good for you two." Angela winks making Tamara and I laugh.

The rest of the stay with Angela and Wesley is pretty average. We are all watching a movie while Jack sleeps when our phones go off we all open our phones to the group chat.

The fakest real Fam!

Tim, Lucy, Tamara, Lex, Angela, Wesley, Grey, Luna, Nyla, James, Bailey, John, Celina, Aaron.

Lucy- Just landed! We are in the car on the way to pick up the girls and Kojo. Can't wait to see you guys.
Angela- Ok! The girls are already packed.
Nyla- Still can't believe Lucy and John dated. I want to know when the hell was this?
Lucy- Throughout the academy and the first few weeks of our rookie year :)
Grey- Jeez Bradford what's with you and people who either are first responders or working with us?
Lucy- Tamara shut the fuck up. Tamar shut it. Tamara I swear to god.
Angela- Timothy, watch the road.
Tim- we are out the front dumbasses.

We quickly jump up and open the door where Tim and Lucy are waiting, we all hug. We grab our stuff and load it in the car. Some where on the drive home I fall asleep because I had a big day at school. I can slightly remember Tim carrying me to bed though. 

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