Pool Party!

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Lucy's POV
Today we are having a housewarming pool party since we have fully unpacked. We get everything set up and when we are finished our friends are only 30 minutes out. Suddenly both girls skip from their rooms.
"Mum!" They both say in their 'about to ask for something' voices.
"Ask your dad." I tell them knowing they always ask me.
"No! He will just say no!" Tamara complains.
"Fine. Make it quick." I tell them.
"Ok! So, we want to know if we can invite a few of our friends since your having yours over!" Tamara begs.
"What friends?" I ask.
"Maybe my boyfriend and that boy from moving. Also Amelia our bestfriend who lives down the street." Lexi smiles slightly.
"Please!" Both girls beg as they put their hands together.
"Fine." I roll my eyes.
"Thank you! We need to go get ready love ya!" They both say and turn around and run upstairs.

Angela, Wesley and Jack are first to arrive. We welcome them in and we all head out back. Jack runs around with Kojo and Wesley while Angela and I talk. We are talking when I hear Tim's TO voice.
"No! Absolutely no!" He cries. Angela and I jump up and run inside and see what Tim is not approving. Both girls are in two piece swim suits.
"Mum! Come on these are fine aren't they!" Tamara whinges.
"I mean they are cute but I don't know if they appropriate with boys coming around." I tell the girls making Tim shoot a look at me.
"What? Boys?" He asks looking mad.
"Dad I swear it's just Leo and mover boy!" Lexi smiles innocently.
"Mover boy? Spill!" Angela interrupts.
"Yeah well he's super cute, I even got his number and he's coming over and I'm like 90% sure he's asking me out tonight. We even have a 15 day snapchat streak." Tamara says to Angela smiling.
"NO! WHAT. NO." Tim objects.
"Timothy. Let them wear the damn swim suits it's better then nothing." I roll my eyes at him.
"If they wear those there might be nothing on!" He says back making both girls go bright red.
"Hey! Father like Daughter. Deja vu or some shit." I smirk and roll my eyes.
"LUCY! Don't joke about that shit! Fuck me." Tim snaps to me.
"Back it up. Deja vu what now?" Angela asks.
"Something from my rookie year." I scoff and lean against a wall.
"It's fine." Tim scoffs back.
"I have no clue whats happening." Lexi whispers to Tamara.
"It's fine girls." I roll my eyes.
"Oh god is this the start of your divorce?" Tamara asks worried.
"Hell no." Tim and I say at the same time. I look over at him.
"I'm sorry." I say pouting and he hugs me.
"So, I know how to get you guys to stop fighting." Tamara shrugs then the door bell goes off. 

We all head over to the door when it opens it reveals two boys and a girl.
"Hey! Come in, your a little earlier then all the other but that's fine because we aren't hanging out with them anyways unless you want to hear about the people they arrested." Lexi says to them. The five teenagers head upstairs but of course Tim calls after them.
"DOORS STAY OPEN." But he is met with a door slamming shut.
"So, are you going to let your girls stay upstairs with boys?" Angela asks as we walk out back.
"Yeah, they are responsible." I tell Angela and we get comfy. After about 15 minutes all our friends have shown up. Suddenly out come the kids who are laughing.
"Hey Mum can we have a drink for you, y'know just for fun!" Tamara asks hopeful.
"Hm, hang on." I tell them and then look over to Nyla. "Hey Nyla!" I call her over.
"Yeah?" She asks me as she gets closer.
"You got your cuffs?" I ask with a smile.
"Why? How many sets do you need?" Nyla asks looking concerned.
"Who still wants my share of drinks?" I say to the five teenagers in front of me as Nyla hands me some cuffs.
"No thanks!" They all say and walk over to Angela.
"They seriously asked for your drinks?" She laughs. I nod and look over to them and see them all with cups in their hands and smiling. I jump up and head over.
"What do you got?" I ask them making them jump.
"Soda!" Lexi quickly says.
"Ooo! I love soda, give it to me." I say to Lexi and snatch it but she hits it from my hand.
"Don't! Blame auntie Angela she gave it to us." Lexi smiles and they all jump into the pool.
"ANGELA!" I yell at her.
"Yes?" Angela asks acting fool. Tim joins me by my side.
"You gave my kids alcohol, as well as three other minors. When will you learn hopefully soon before I give Jack some beer and say it's apple juice." I tell her.
"No! No I'll stop don't give my baby beer!" Angela says and yanks Jack into her arms.
"Good." I smile.

Tamara's POV
A few people have left now including Amelia and Leo. Lexi is down stairs but me and Milo are upstairs because Milo wanted to change before leaving. I'm quickly get changed while he changes and when he comes back in my room he's in a super cute outfit.
"I love your outfit." He smiles.
"Thanks, I love yours too." I smile and look him over. He stuffs his wet clothes in his bag and sits next to me on my bed.
"You know your really pretty?" He tells me with a smile.
"You don't have to say that." I shake my head softly.
"I'm not lying. I really like you Tam." He tells me as he looks into my eyes.
"Really?" I ask, I'm so happy but I don't get ahead of myself.
"Yeah." He nods. "Can I do something?" Milo asks in a soft tone and I just nod. It's so hard to not squeal right now but I think about to have m first kiss and I'm bursting with excitement. I've never been a fan of the while dating thing but in this exact moment I'm a huge fan. Just as I suspected her leans over and kisses me softly on my lips. I kiss him back and he keeps kissing me. I don't want to pull away and I don't think she does either because he has a hand on my cheek. 

Lucy's POV
I notice that Tamara and the mover boy, who I now know as Milo have disappeared.
"Tim, we need to go upstairs right now." I tell him as he talks to Angela, Wesley, Grey, Celina and Nolan.
"Why?" He asks confused.
"Because our daughter has vanished with a young boy and I think they are alone in her room." I roll my eyes.
"Oh yeah, we need to go." He says looking terrified.
"GO TIM! RUN! THAT'S YOUR DAUGHTER WITH A BOY!" A very drunk Celina giggles. We both dash upstairs. I swing open Tamara's door and see her on Milo's lap making out with him.
"Ok, that's enough for tonight." I say from the door way scaring them.
"JESUS CHRIST MUM! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Tamara calls out to us.
"Dad's here too!" Tim smiles and shows up behind me.
"Hey Tamara just snap me later I have to go anyways. Cya." Milo tells her. He awkwardly walks past us and rushes from the house.
"Mum are you joking me!" Tamara complains and jumps from her bed.
"I'm sorry I don't want grandkids. Also you might want to fix your lip gloss if you don't want anyone knowing even though a few already do." I shrug.
"Ugh! Your so annoying." Tamara rolls her eyes and fixes her lip gloss.
"Ok come on." I tell her.
"What why? I'm fine here!" She rolls her eyes.
"No your not, lover boy will just climb through the window. Let's go." I tell her and point and she stomps off.


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