Bringing Home The Baby Girls.

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Tim's POV
Today we are able to leave the hospital so while all the girls sleep I'm packing everything. 
"Are we going home today?" A very tired Lexi asks.
"Yes, as soon as everyone's awake." I tell her.
"Yay, I hate sleeping in chairs." Tamara grins.
"Also, did you guys bring the outfits to surprise Luce?" I ask the girls.
"Surprise me with what?" Lucy says in a sleepy tone.
"We got the girls going home outfits." Tamara smiles hugging Lucy, Lexi shows Lucy the two matching onesies with bunnies and different background colors.
"They are adorable!" Lucy says in awe. We finish packing while Lucy feeds both babies and gets them dressed. When we drove over we brought Lucy's car since it has two seats in the boot. We get the babies secured in their car seats and Lexi and Tamara climb into the back. I drive home extra carefully since I now have 4 daughters in the car. When we pull in I notice Nolan's car down the street.
"Who wants to prank our friends who are inside?" I ask.
"What?" Lucy asks.
"That's Nolan's car. They are clearly here, also a block away I saw Wesley's bloody BMW." I roll my eyes.
"Way to be discreet." Tamara laughs.
"Ok, we are going through the back door and then jump scare them." I tell the girls.
"Yes sir." Lucy jokes. We all get out leaving our stuff in the car, we get the girls and sneak into the yard. The back door is open so we just tip toe in. We see Angela waiting impatiently so Lucy taps her shoulder, she spins around fast.
"FUCK. JESUS." She exclaims putting her hand on her heart.
"Are you guys begging to be arrested?" Lucy asks.
"How did you know we were here?" Nolan asks so we all point at him and Wesley.
"What? We parked a block away!" Angela complains.
"You drove your fancy posh person car idiots." Lexi laughs.
"Wesley! Come on man." James complains.
"HEY! It's not my fault they both are cops and Tim's cop modes more annoying now that he's got 5 girls to look after." Wesley basically winges.
"Talking about my family where's our dog?" I ask.
"Tyler!" Genny calls. Suddenly Kojo comes running downstairs with Tyler at his heals. He is wearing a pink tutu and a shirt saying 'Tea party ready.' 
"Genny why is my dog wearing a tutu? My dog doesn't wear Tutu's." I say sternly.
"Shut up Tim it's cute." Lucy says passing Haven to the first person she sees and dropping down to pet Kojo.
"Yeah Tim shut up." Genny laughs.

Lucy's POV
We spend a fair bit of the day with our friends talking and gushing over the newborns. They all leave at about 2pm so I decide to put the twins to sleep. We all head off to their nursery that Nolan helped building.
"This nursery still has me on a choke hold." Lexi says looking around.
"That's not... you know what. Never mind." Tim says confused. Both girls are good sleepers thankfully so it's easy to get them down. Tamara and Lexi both go out so Tim and I just cuddle on the couch watching a movie. 

Time jump. Two weeks later.
"Tim our friends are traitors why didn't they tell us how impossible this is!" I complain.
"I know baby. At least we have two helpers." Tim tells me with a kiss.
"Yeah and we have an extra child!" I say.
"It's not a bad thing, they will never be lonely." Tim smiles.
"I guess. I do love them to bits." I shrug. Then there's a knock on the door. We both head over to the door and open it.
"Hey." Angela smiles.
"What." Tim grumbles.
"I'm here as a helping hand." Angela shrugs, I grab her arm and drag her into the house and hug her.
"Thank you so fucking much. I need to sleep, I need to go shopping, I need I don't know but you get it, your my lord and saviour." I tell her.
"Jeez Tim you need to step up." Angela jokes.
"Whatever, Luce how about you sleep and I can shop or we can send the girls shopping." Tim suggests.
"That's genius! Send the other two kids!" I grin, I grab my phone and text the group chat that the girls need to come downstairs.
"Do you just text them to come?" Angela asks. I put my finger up and then you can see both girls dashing downstairs.
"Yeah." I nod.
"What is it?" Tamara asks.
"You guys got to go to the shops since there is no food since you guys EAT EVERYTHING!" I say pointing to Tim, Tamara and Lexi.
"Card?" Lexi says putting her hand out.
"Go get Tim's." I tell them and they both walk off.
"Did you just tell them to use my card?" Tim asks.
"Good job Lucy." Angela laughs.
"Thank you for coming but I'm going to sleep love ya!" I tell her and walk right off.

A/N Idk how many more chapter this will have but we will seee!

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