The Last Chapter.

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A/N Last chapter bcs I'm struggling to keep up with updates and I have covered everything I wanted to in this story! So enjoy the last part!

Lucy's POV
After waiting for around four hours suddenly a sleeping Tamara is wheeled into the room on her hospital bed.
"I'm guessing your her parents?" A nurse asks after hooking Tam up to monitors and IV.
"Yeah. How is she?" Tim requests before I can.
"Surgery went well. She's going to need to be in cast for 3 months." The nurse informs us and then leaves the room after we thank her.

It takes Tamara about 5 hours to wake but when she does she's giggling like crazy and is super happy due to the drugs the hospital staff gave her mean while Lexi is shitty that Tamara is making so much noise. 
"Tamara Collins Bradford. Shut the fuck up before I climb out of this bed and strangle you." Lexi grumbles still half asleep.
"YOourr FULLLL of ittt!" Tamara giggles, but Lexi clearly wasn't joking as she jumps from her bed but before she can reach Tam, Tim grabs her and forcefully places her in bed.
"No one is strangling anyone. T, be more quiet Lex hasn't slept yet." Tim tells both teens. After a couple grumbles Tamara grabs her airpods and phone while Lexi complains once more stating she's not tired anymore then gets her airpods and putting them in.
"Have two teenage girls, it will be fun they said." I laugh looking at both of them with their head in their phones.
"At least they aren't fighting anymore." Tim shrugs.

3rd person POV.

The next day the two teens get released from the hospital on strict orders to stay in bed for at least a week and to keep it easy, both girls are more than happy to follow the order.

Both of their physical recoveries are pretty quick que to not sustaining too major of injuries. Although their mental recovery both take a while longer and in the hard times both girls go to Lucy for advice on how to get through the difficult time. 

The girls recover and two years later both teenagers graduate from high school. Lexi at top of the class and valedictorian mean while Tamara is in top 10 and gets a scholarship to study phycology. All of the Bradford's really hate to admit this but the truth is, if a low life teenager who goes by the name of Kai Ryder never picked on Alexis Bradford whilst Lucy was in the car, none of this would have happened.

Proof that 'Family Isn't Always Blood.'

A/N SORRY FOR SHORT CHAPTER BUT IT WAS RUSHED. I'M SORRY THE ENDINGS SHITTY BUT I RLLY WNATED TO UPDATE BUT I'M UNMOTIVATED. But! I want to thank you all for the love, support, votes and the comments! I hope you enjoyed this, till next time. x

Started writing: July 13 2023.
Finished writing: September 4 2023, 5:01 am lmfao.

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