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A/N Thank you to @Roni08801 for this idea! ALSO I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK AGES TO WRITE I HAVE WRITERS BLOCK >:(

Tamara's POV
"Lex are you ready?" I ask finishing my hair.
"Yeah, let's go." Lexi nods. We grab out bags and go downstairs.
"Where are you two going?" Dad asks.
"A party. We won't drink, promise." I assure him.
"Fine. Be back by curfew. Do you have your pepper sprays?" He asks.
"Yep." We both nod.
"Be safe. Call if you need anything." He says and then walks off into the kitchen.

We go to the party and don't drink as promised. We leave at 10:45 since curfew on weekends is at 11. We parked a block away so we are walking suddenly I hear footsteps running towards us. I spin around but it's too late. There's a bag over my head, Lexi and I start screaming. I drop my phone as we get man handled around.
"HELP." I call out but no one helps. We get shoved and then we get shoved into what seems to be a car. 
"Stay quiet." I hear a male voice say and then the boot slams shut.
"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." Lexi starts freaking out.
"Hey, hey calm down. We need to be calm. Dad and Mum will find us." I assure her.
"Right. Right." Lexi nods as we feel the car start to speed off.

Tim's POV
Lucy and I are about to go to bed but then I notice the girls aren't back.
"Where are the girls?" I ask Lucy while she brushes her hair.
"Haven and Aurora are in the nursery and Tam and Lex are.. Late?" Lucy says confused.
"I'll call them." I tell Lucy as I grab my phone. I dial Tamara's number and it goes to voicemail after a minute.
"Try Lex." Lucy orders me, I call Lexi and it also goes straight to voicemail.
"Fuck." I swear under my breath. "Ok, let me check their location." I say as I rush to check life 360. When I check it says they are about 5 minutes away.
"Quick, get the girls." I tell Lucy as I head over to the gun safe and grab Lucy and I's guns.

We speed over to the location and when we pull up and climb out I instantly see Tamara's phone on the ground.
"Tim, something happened. I know it." Lucy says starting to cry.
"I know baby, but we can't piss everyone off this late. We can get our friends to help in the morning." I frown telling Lucy.
"Fine." Lucy says sadly. We head home and try to sleep even though neither of us sleep.

Lexi's POV
I'm so fucking scared. Suddenly the car comes to a sudden stop.
"Wait, do you have your phone?" Tamara asks.
"It's dead." I frown. Our conversation is cut off by the sound of the boot opening and the cool breeze flooding in.
"Hey girls." A male voice says, I can hear the smugness in his voice. He pulls the bags off our head. The second I see his face I notice him.
"Carlos?!" Tamara and I exclaim in sync.
"Yippe, you said my name." He rolls his eyes.
"Why the fuck did you abduct us?" Tamara snaps.
"For fun. I dunno." I shrugs and then lifts us from the car and shoves us inside his house. Dickhead took us to his house, I know because of this Mum and Dad will find us soon.

Lucy's POV
As soon as our morning alarm goes off we both bolt out of bad and rush to get ready. We rush over to the station and when we run inside Grey is just getting seated in his office. We both speed into his office startling him.
"Uhm. Bradford...s, you guys know better-" Grey starts but we quickly cut him off.
"T and Lex are missing." I panic.
"I'm sure they just ended up staying the night somewhere." Grey tells us trying to also convince himself.
"Shut up Grey. Our girls are missing, we found T's phone on the road. Lex's phone is off and they haven't came home, they know better then to just disappear." Tim tells him.
"Ok, uh, where were they last night?" Grey asks typing into his computer.
"They went to a party. It was at 92 Beacon Street and their curfew was at 11. Lex and Tam have never been late for curfew except once and they texted since they were in traffic." I tell Grey.
"Ok. I will get everyone into role call and we will get lots of officers on this. Can you send me some pictures of them even though everyone knows them?" Grey asks, I nod and open my phone. I find the first pictures of them and email them to Grey.
"Luce, T's gonna be pissed at you for picking that photo." Tim laughs slightly when he sees the picture of Tamara pulling a stupid face.
"Tough." I shrug.

We go to the locker rooms and change and get coffee by the time we get to the roll call room our friends are already crowding in as well as some other officers. On the whiteboard the pictures of Tamara and Lexi are up as well as their names and other information.
"Hey guys, how are you holding up?" John asks as we flop into seats next to each other.
"Best we can." I frown. After a couple minutes when everyone is squished in the room Grey calls everyone attention to him. 
"Alright everyone listen up. Alexis Bradford and Tamara Bradford did not return last night from a party. Detective Bradford and Sergeant Bradford found Tamara's phone on the road out front of the house also they reported Alexis' phone's location isn't showing up on Life 360." Grey announces.
"Sir, all due respect but they are teenagers an probably got drunk and stayed at their friends because they didn't want to get grounded." An officer interrupts.
"Excuse me? My daughters would never, also they don't get grounded for that shit." Tim scolds the officer.
"What kind of parenting is that?" He rolls his eyes.
"Stop the drama. Now we believe they could have been abducted as otherwise they would have notified their parents. I want as many people as possible on this. Tim, Lucy I need to talk to you guys, everyone else is dismissed." Grey tells everyone.
"Daughters like mother." The same officer from before mutters as everyone leaves. I'm the only one who hears and frown at the thought. Could this be my fault? I think to myself but I am knocked out of my train of thought to Grey telling us to follow him to his office.

A/N I hate the end of this chapter but I had to publish bcs I promised this part like ages ago SORRY.

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