The Move Number 2!

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Tim's POV
Today is the day we are moving into our new house. It's probably not ideal since Lucy is 7 months pregnant but she insisted we moved asap. We managed to rack up a fair bit of money from our old house and from the money I had got from my dad's shithole so we got a two story house with a pool. It has 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms a nice kitchen and a good backyard. The girls haven't seen it yet but Lucy is really excited to move in. Our whole house is in boxes so we are making do with little to no stuff. I'm helping Lucy with some last minute cleaning when Lexi bursts out of her room.
"Dad! Mum, we have an emergency!" She shouts.
"What? What is it? Are you alright?" Lucy frantically asks letting her mum side kick in.
"No! One of you packed my favourite shirt!" Lexi says.
"Lexi that isn't an emergency." I roll my eyes. Suddenly Tamara rushes from her room.
"MUM! DID YOU PACK MY FAVOURITE SHIRT?" Tamara snaps. Lucy blankly stares at her.
"Sorry." Tamara says quietly.
"Look. I didn't pack either of your shirts. Just wear your second favourite." Lucy shrugs as she goes back to wiping the furniture.
"Fine." Both girls scoff and storm off.
"Jesus Christ. Emergency because they can't find a damn shirt." I roll my eyes.
"Tim, they just care how they look knowing that I want pictures. So you should go ask for fashion advice from them." Lucy says.
"What? Rude!" I joke.
"I'm not joking. Go." Lucy says and points. I laugh to myself and leave the room. When I get to Tamara's room she's already doing her make up and talking to Lexi who is packing some stuff.
"Hey Dad!" Lexi smiles.
"Your Mum's making me ask you for fashion advice." I chuckle.
"Oh god. Has she lost it?" Tamara asks.
"Yeah! The look she gave Tam!" Lexi says as she throws clothes into a suitcase.
"She's just being protective. You guys almost killed her rushing into a room saying there was an emergency! She probably thought you were dying!" I tell them.
"I guess. Anyways, how about we won't tell you how to fix your shit if you help me pack the rest of my stuff." Tamara says looking around her room.
"Yeah. Right now I'm doing all the work!" Lexi complains.
"Sure." I chuckle and help them pack.

While we were packing the moving truck must have came because half of our stuff is gone.
"Woah!" Tamara laughs looking at the almost empty living room.
"I know." Lucy pouts appearing from our room. "Oh yeah Tam, there's a super cute boy outside. Might want to ask him for his number y'know incase we have to move again." Lucy winks. Tamara quickly grabs her phone and almost runs outside.
"Lucy!" I tell her off.
"What! Look at him!" Lucy says pointing to where Tamara is talking to a boy similar to her age.
"Lex, If I say it I can go to jail. Tell your father." Lucy tells Lexi.
"He's fucking cute as! Too bad I got a cuter boyfriend but he's perfect for Tam!" Lexi says.
"Exactly." Lucy shrugs. Suddenly Tamara runs inside.
"I got his number!" She blushes and jumps up and down around the corner so he can't see.
"Well I do feel like some chips. Maybe you should go for a quick walk down to 7-11 get some slushies and my chips." Lucy encourages Tamara and hands her a $10 bill.
"Thanks Mum! I'll be back soon, you know my number. So does he!" Tamara giggles one more time, pulls herself together and then they walk off.
"Match maker Mum!" Lexi smirks.
"You bet." Lucy smiles slyly.

Lucy's POV
At around lunch time they are finally finished moving our stuff to the moving truck. We gather our small things we didn't want in the truck and all get in the car. As we are getting closer to the house the girls are looking around excitedly. Then we pull into our street and park in the driveway.
"Is this it?" Tamara asks as we jump out.
"Yeah!" I smile happily looking at the lovely house.
"HOLEY SHIT!" Lexi giggles excitedly.
"We will go inside soon let me just talk to the moving guys." Tim says and walks over to the truck. They nod and start to get ready to bring stuff inside. I grab the key from my pocket and we all head over to the door. 
"You ready?" I ask as I unlock the door.
"Yeah!" Both girls jump up and down. I open the door and it swings open to be a beautiful home.
"This is so cool! Come on Kojo let's get you to your new backyard!" Lexi says as she brings Kojo inside. We follow them close behind and I record them opening the door and seeing the pool. Both their heads shoot back to Tim and I who are beaming.
"WE HAVE A DAMN POOL?" Tamara squeals.
"Yeah! We will go swimming later." Tim says.
"Screw later!" Lexi yells. She grabs her phone from her pocket and throws it on the grass. She runs over to the gate opens it and jumps right in followed by Tamara and Kojo.
"Only two moths then I can do that." I complain as I put my phone away.
"I can do that now but I'm not stupid." Tim rolls his eyes looking at the girls and Kojo who are swimming around.
"Girls, you can't come inside until we get you towels." I tell them.
"That's fine!" They both giggle.
"Ok, well look after each other we are going to see the rest of the house. We can take pictures and you girls will decide who get's which room. Both girls call an ok to us and we head inside.

We look around and then we help the girl decide who will get what room which is quiet easy since they both wanted a different room. At around 4pm all our boxes and furniture are all in rooms. I grab towels for both girls and they both finally get out of the pool. During the day Tim set up the lounge room enough for us all to be able to have a movie night. We sit around and watch tv and get some pizza for dinner. 

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