Carlos Clearly Isn't Smart

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Lucy's POV
We are talking to Grey about people who could have done this when Angela busts through the door.
"We know who took them." Angela tells us, we all quickly get up and follow Angela. We take a seat in the roll call room and then Angela speaks up getting everyone's attention.
"Alright! We have confirmed both Alexis and Tamara Bradford have been abducted also we have received security camera footage of the abduction and we know who took them." Angela tells us. "Carlos Jenkins." Angela announces pining a photo up of him.
"I knew there was something off about that asshole." Tim snaps.
"You know him?" Angela asks.
"Yeah that son of a bitch is T's ex after he told her he was with her for Lex." Tim frowns.
"Asshole. Anyways, we are currently prepping to go to his house. Carlos clearly isn't smart so Tim and Lucy your with us we are out of here as soon as we get a no knock warrant." Angela tells us then dismisses us all when Nyla comes in with the warrant.

Tamara's POV
We are currently in Carlos' basement which is the most basic place to take us. Lexi is unconscious since earlier she tried to fight back and I'm in a world of pain from the beatings. Suddenly Carlos bursts through the door.
"Looks like you cop friends are here. I wanted some more time so we will just have to finish business now." Carlos tells us and before either one of us can respond he pulls a gun out and loads it.
"Hmmm, where to shoot?" He asks moving the gun around but then the sound of the door to the basement get's kicked in.


Tim's POV
I hear two gun shots go off. Next I see Carlos spin on his heels and point his gun at me, his finger moving towards the trigger but before he can pull it I pull my trigger. I get a clean shot into his abdomen and he drops to the ground. Aaron heads over to Carlos to deal with him.
"Dad." Tamara whimpers from where she's sitting. Lucy and I run over to the girls.
"Lex has been out for a few hours. Help her." Tamara tells us.
"T, Luce is on it." I tell her as I cut her free from the duct tape keeping her in the chair while Lucy does the same with Lexi. 
"Where are you hurt kiddo?" I ask her.
"The fucker shot my arm. It hurts." Tamara tells me tears starting to fall.
"Ok. Uhhh fuck." I panic slightly then I pull my shirt vest off and then metro shirt off and press it over the gunshot wound.
"Hold that there. I'm going to carry you out. Luce, you got Lex sorted?" I ask Lucy.
"Yeah, she has a gun shot in her shoulder." Lucy says. I hear her fiddle around and watch as she lifts Lexi.
"Let's go." Lucy tells me. I lift Tamara and we carry them outside and over to the RA's waiting. I get Tamara settled and climb in with her while Lucy goes with Lexi.

We arrive at the same time and the girls get rushed inside and Lucy and I are banished to the waiting room where LAPD uniforms are starting to take over.
"How are our fighters?" Grey asks.
"Lex is unconscious with a gunshot in her shoulder and T is conscious and talking with a gunshot to her arm." Lucy informs them.
"Oh yeah and Tim." Angela says and throws a shirt at me that I slide on after thanking her. We all get situated in seats and some officers drift off as we wait.

Lucy's POV
We are waiting nervously for about an hour until a doctor emerges.
"Family of Alexis and Tamara Bradford?" He asks and is instantly bombarded with Grey, Angela, Nyla, Nolan and of course Tim and I standing up.
"Woah." The doctor murmurs slightly intimidated by all the cops.
"We're their parents, are they ok?" I ask.
"Oh ok. Alexis woke up about 10 minutes ago and she seems to being ok. Her wound on her leg has been stitched up since it was straight through. We took her for x-rays and CT's and they are alright. However for Tamara the bullet hit the bone and has broke it and the bullet is still in her arm so we need your ok for surgery." The doctor says straight up.
"No risks right?" I ask concerned.
"Shouldn't be, it's a straight forward surgery and since it's not in a place with vital organs there's nothing to worry about. She's just going to need to be in stitches and a cast." The doctor assures us.
"Ok. Do it." Tim nods.
"Can we see Lex?" I ask.
"Yeah, she's in room 57. Tamara will join her in there once out of surgery." The doctor says and then walks off to talk to someone else.
"You guys should go home. It may be a while, we will text when T's out of surgery." Tim tells them.
"Ok. Tell Lex that we are all really proud of her and glad she's ok." Angela nods before gathering her stuff.

We go upstairs and find Lexi's room as soon as we step foot in her room her face lights up.
"Mummy! Daddy!" Lexi giggles like a child.
"Oh they have you on the good stuff?" Tim asks rhetorically.
"NOPPPEE!" Lexi answers anyway making us both laugh while getting settled in chairs. Now time to wait for T.


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