Secret Loves.

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Anyways, felt like this story was a bit too straight. ENJOYYY!

Lexi's POV
"Yeah? What is it Lexi?" Mum asks sitting back down in her seat next to day.
"Shit, Uhm this is way scarier now I'm about to say it." I say honestly.
"Are you going to?" Tamara asks already knowing about Billie and I.
"Yeah." I nod and Tamara hugs me.
"Lexi you can tell us. We will always love you." Dad assures me.
"Ok. So uhh, you know Billie who was with me this morning." I ask but more state.
"Yeah..?" They both nod.
"She's less of a platonic friend and more of my girlfriend.." I tell them biting my lip nervously.

Tim's POV
How do I feel about this? Ok, well this is lots. Uhm crap I'm being quiet I need to tell her something before she thinks she's getting disowned.
"Awee! Don't worry we still love you if that's what your worried about." Lucy beats me to it.
"Thank fuck." Lexi releases the breath she was holding.
"You don't need to worry about something that small, it doesn't change the fact your our kid." I assure her. Lexi leaps into my arms and hugs me since Lucy is still holding Aurora.
"What's your sexuality?" Lucy asks.
"Pan." Lexi tells us sitting herself back in her seat.

Lucy's POV
"THANK GOD. MY OWN KIND!" I exclaim handing Aurora over to Tim and pulling Lexi into a hug.
"What?" Tamara, Tim and Lexi all exclaim.
"I'm not a musty straight. Tim  I've literally told you." I roll my eyes.
"WHEN? I think I would recall my wife telling me something like that." He tells me.
"Maybe you should have listened to me when I was a boot. Do you not remember that time I went on about how fucking hot that one girl was for an hour?" I ask.
"Ohhh. Well I guess we need to start doing more pride stuff in this house." Tim laughs.
"Billie was right." Tamara laughs.
"Huh?" I ask confused.
"She told me you gave of fruity vibes. She was damn right!" Lexi tells me.
"Hey! You can bust your Pan flag out finally!" Tamara tells Lexi.
"Yes! Dad can you help me hang my flag?" Lexi asks Tim.
"Sure." Tim nods and they disappear upstairs to Lexi's room.

A few days later we are eating dinner and talking.
"Hey Mum and Dad?" Lexi asks.
"Yeah?" Tim questions?
"Can we invite the squad over as well as Billie and maybe Milo for a pool party again? I want to come out to them as well, they are family." Lexi says.
"Sure, this weekend should work." I tell her, and  she thanks us and texts Billie.

It's now the weekend and we are setting up for the pool party. Everyone is coming over at mid-day and we are having lunch and swimming. 5 minutes before 12 the doorbell rings. Lexi bolts downstairs and past me and opens the door.
"BILLIE!" Lexi grins and hugs her tightly.
"Hey!" I greet her.
"Hi! I'm Billie as you know." The young girls smiles.
"Alright come on!" Lexi tells her dragging her in. 
"DOOR STAYS OPEN!" I remind them as they walk upstairs.

Lexi's POV
We get to my room and Billie grins
"I love the flag!" Billie tells me pointing to my flag on the door.
"I know! I finally came out and my parents know your my girlfriend but we are announcing to the rest of my family." I remind her.
"Alright! Are they nice?" Billie asks worried.
"Yeah! They aren't biological but they are nice, also don't confess to crimes, they are cops." I tell her as I pick out my swimmers.
"Well I haven't done anything. I actually want to be a cop so this will be fun." She tells me as she pulls off her clothes revealing her bikini that is under.
"Cute swimmers." I wink giving her a quick kiss.

About 10 minutes later we can hear more talking so we head downstairs.
"There she is!" Angela says pointing to me.
"Hey Ange!" I grin hugging her.
"Whose this?" Angela asks shaking Billies hand.
"I'm Billie." She smiles.
"I'm Angela. Now if you see that little boy pissing of Tim and Lucy give him a hi-five." Angela says pointing to Jack who is chasing Kojo.
"Will do." Billie laughs. I introduce Billie to everyone and then we all sit down to eat lunch.
"I'm sorry if this is personal but are you guys sure your friends? You seem closer." Angela points to Billie and I.
"COME ONE ANGELA! Use them damn detective skills on something else other then using it to out me when I was one second away from saying it!" I laugh.
"Sorry." Angela shrugs.
"Ok well now that you have said it, yes Billie's my girlfriend." I smile.
"Thank fuck there's more gays." Celina rolls her eyes.
"Sorry to get personal but how many fruity beotches are there?" Billie asks with a grin.
"Four I think, including you and I." I tell her making everyone shoot daggers.
"Five, include Jackson. We aren't disrespecting him even if he dipped." Angela tells us.
"Wait but who are they?" Billie asks.
"You knew before me, remember the other day. Who gave off fruity." I prompt her and she snaps her head to Mum who is next to her.
"I'm smart." Billie grins turning back to me.
"Wait.. Lucy?!" Nolan exclaims.

Lucy's POV
I sit there with a smirk on my face as everyone looks at me confused.
"Nolan stop acting dumb! You knew I was!" I tell him.
"What? Ohhh!" He exclaims.
"Good thing you used the golden ticket for TO because you shrugged when I said Claire Ivey was good looking!" I tell laugh.
"I'm sorry I wasn't interested then in my ex's love life!" He defends myself but I freeze.
"WHAT?" Echoes around the table.
"Does no one know about that?" Nolan asks screwing up his face.
"I didn't tell anyone!" I argue back.
"Whoops. I thought you did since Jackson knew!" Nolan says back.
"When was this?" Tim asks.
"Our rookie year. It was only for a bit I promise!" I assure Tim.
"Did you sleep with him?" Tim asks mad.
"Woah! There are kids here!" Angela points out since Leah, Erin, Haven, Aurora, Jack and Lyla are here.
"How about 18 and under go inside." Tim says clearly not letting it go.
"Ok. Hey guys who wants to see my room?" Lexi says getting up and ushering the kids inside while Milo and Tamara carry in the babies with Billie.

Tim's POV
I don't know why it's pissing me off so much but it upsets me that I know him and they never told me.
"So, did you guys sleep together? I want to know who has been in my wife." I tell Lucy.
"That's not fair! Also there are other ways to say that!" Lucy tells me with fire in her eyes.
"How isn't it fair?" I ask, sure it is sort of unfair but I can't help it.
"Whatever. Yeah we slept together! Do you want a list of fucking everyone, where, when, how I did everyone?" She asks in a tone I can't even place.
"Do I even want to?" I question her.

Lucy's POV
"PROBABLY NOT, YOU WOULD WANT TO ARREST HIM AND YOU WOULD THINK OF ME DIFFRENTLY." I snap as tears drip from my eyes. Shit, I just said that.
"What the hell are you on about?" Tim asks concerned.
"Luce, he won't. You should tell him." John tells me with a frown.
"He wouldn't get it!" I say standing up and walking over to the door.
"Luce what the hell?" Tim asks as I storm off snatching my keys and driving off.


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