Bring Your Kids To Work Day.

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Tim's POV.
I'm woken up by Lexi and Tamara on our bed shaking me and Lucy awake.
"Mum, Dad wake up!" They both whine.
"Yes children?" I smile.
"Can we come to work with you? We figured we might want to be cops too, so we want to see what it's about so we can start doing things that will help us get into the academy." Tamara asks.
"Wait really? Tim we might raise a cop family!" Lucy exclaims.
"Ok, well we can get you guys a ride along with us." I tell the girls. "We can spend a day working a detectives case with Mum." I add.
"Yes! I don't know about Lex but I want to be a detective. I mean I knew you guys liked each other before you did!" Tamara tells us.
"True!" Lucy shrugs.
"Ok well go get in some clothes you can run in and get ready." I tell them. They both hug us and run off to their rooms.
"Imagine if they become cops!" Lucy smiles.
"That would be awesome." I tell her.

Lucy's POV
We all arrive at the station and head in and into Grey's office.
"What brings the whole family in today?" Grey asks with a grin.
"The girls want to hang out with us on a detectives case with Lucy, they think they want to be cops when they are old enough for the academy so they want to figure it out now so they can prepare with things that will help them in." Tim tells Grey.
"Ok. I'm guessing you will be helping them too?" Grey asks Tim.
"Yeah, I'm keeping my three girls safe." Tim tells him.
"Alright, have fun Detectives." Grey tells us.
"Tim! Do you think if they choose this they could help intern at the front desk? Also we could get them Boots!" I tell Tim excitedly.
"Why boots?" Lexi asks.
"Because when I was new this asshole called me Boot every sentence. Then when he got to metro I bought Baby boots for his locker because he was the newbie." I tell the girls as we head to my desk.
"You know I kept them?" Tim asks. I was about to reply but Angela saw us and came over.
"Hey Lex and Tam, what are you girls doing here?" Angela asks.
"We are seeing what being a cops about." Tamara smiles.
"We have some new Boots!" Angela yells.
"Who?" Celina asks excited hoping there's more rookies.
"The Bradford girls!" Angela giggles.
"Angela, maybe if you still want to be a detective then you should get to work and let us too." Lexi huffs.
"Just like her Dad." Giggles Angela.
"Oh shit sorry." Lexi says covering her mouth. 
"It's fine, alright get to work Boots." Angela tells them and we get to work on a case.

Lexi's POV
We have caught the criminal, now is questioning my favourite part. We all walk into the room where the scuffed man is siting impatiently. 
"Hey girls, how about you interrogate him." Lucy suggests.
"Sure Mum." I tell her. "Alright, I'm Alexis Bradford, This is Tamara Bradford and behind us is our parents, Sergeant Tim Bradford and Detective Lucy Chen." I tell the man as Tamara and I sit down across from him.
"You two a cuties." He flirts.
"I know." I scoff.
"Alright, we have evidence that you robbed a house and murdered Jessica King, so this will be easier if you just confess." Tamara tells him.
"I'm not saying shit." He says. I stand up fast and slap the table startling him.
"Lex, calm down." Dad tells me.
"I got it Dad." I say.
"How did you do it?" Whispered Tamara.
"DID YOU STRANGLE HER? DID YOU DRUG HER WITH A NEEDLE?" Tamara adds yelling. The man starts to cry a bit.
"Tell me how you did it." I tell him siting back down.
"I-I didn't mean to. I thought it would just knock her out for a bit." He cries.
"Who, And what did you give her." Tamara asks calmly.
"Jessica King." He sobs. "I used a needle to inject bleach into her blood." He tells me.
"Thanks mate." I say and get up and leave the room with my family.
"How the hell did you do that?" Lucy asks.
"I figured he would get threatened by my loudness because he thought I was cute and then I just figured he would feel guilty if I started stating ways he could have done it." I tell my Mum.
"I just went along with it knowing what she was doing." Tamara says.
"You girls are good interrogators, I'm bringing you in for more interrogations." Lucy smiles.
Suddenly Angela rushes in the room.
"I have an Idea." Tim says.
"What is it?" Tamara asks.
"If you girls are still interested we might be able to talk to the captain, Grey and IA to make a special position for you guys, Interrogators. We would use the confession as proof you guys are good. It would be more like whenever we are interrogating we bring you in. But on weekdays while your at school we'd only bring you in if we need help. We might also be able to get you guys paid for it because it would help lots." Dad says.
"We so should!" Angela adds.
I jump up and down excited.
"Hell yes!" I say at the same time as Tamara.
"Alright let's go." Tim says.

Tim's POV
I really hope they will be able to help with this because it would save LAPD with lots of time. We walk into Grey's office where the captain is already siting there.
"Hello Bradford's and Lopez." Says the captain.
"We have a question." I say.
"What is it?" The captain asks.
"We think our girls would be a good addition to our station." Lucy says with a smile.
"You know we can't they are only 16." Grey tells us.
"You haven't see their interrogation yet." Angela says handing the drive over to Grey. He plays the video and watches the girls get a confession in about 5 minutes.
"Woah, that was good." The captain admits.
"Yep, we were thinking they would get called in whenever we had an interrogation if the officer would like them to do it so they can get a head start on paper work. Obviously a real officer would be present just to make sure they are ok, it could be me, Angela, Luce, Nolan, Harper just someone and the girls would run it. But also due to their school while they are at school we would only bring them in if it's absolutely needed." I tell them.
"Ok, well seeing this video I think we could make that happen. We will talk to Commander West to see if he agrees and he would choose a pay for their help because this would really help us." Says the captain.
"Also then when you guys become old enough for the academy you would instantly get in from your experience and help." Grey tells the girls.
"Thank you so much." Tamara says.

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