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Lucy's POV

As I'm getting ready I decide we have to tell our friends about me being pregnant since I'm starting to show more and I'm about 1 and a half month in.
"Tim, we need to tell everyone today." I tell him when I join him at the bar stools.
"Ok, whatever you want." Tim smiles and brushes my cheek with his hand.
"Ok!" I smile. The girls enter the room with big smiles.
"Hey Mama!" Lex says as she raids the cupboard for snacks.
"Oi, hands off my snacks." I tell her as she reaches for my popcorn.
"Fine, then can I have some money for canteen at school?" Lexi smile innocently.
"My phone madam." I ask. I send both girls $10 onto their apple pay and they both hug me.
"Thanks!" They both say.
"Hey Dad you should match Mum and send us $10 as well." Tamara smirks slyly.
"Nice try." Tim rolls his eyes.
"Tim can we go now?" I slightly complain.
"Yes, girls you want us to drop you off or will you drive?" Tim asks the two girls.
"We can drive. Cya!" Tamara waves.

When we get to work I see all our friends in a group luckily. Tim and I head over excited to finally tell them.
"Hey guys!" Nyla waves to us. 
"Angela just told us she's pregnant. Isn't that exciting!" Nolan smile.
"Yeah. Isn't it Lucy." Angela says hinting to us that we should tell them.
"Fuck me Angela just some patience, we are getting there." Tim rolls his eyes.
"Come on Timothy!" I slap his arms since he just spilt it.
"Wait what's happening?" John asks clueless.
"Jeez you really are clueless. Lucy's pregnant as well." Angela smiles.
"OH! Congrats!" Everyone says.
"How did Angela know though?" Nyla asks.
"Oh she caught me at the shops." I giggle and hug her.
"Why are we all standing around?" Grey's voice comes from behind me.
"Two announcements." Angela shrugs.
"And those are.." Grey says getting annoyed.
"Two pregnant detectives." I smirk trying to annoy him more.
"Well congratulations but who, you can't do this to me." Grey smiles.
"Luce and I!" Angela smiles.
"Awe! Congratulations." Grey then hugs us both and Tim.
"Both my kids are growing up." Grey says.
"I'm your favourite I know." Angela smirks.
"NO I AM." Tim snaps.
"Timothy stop yelling." I tell him covering my ears.
"Sorry." He says in a quieter voice. Everyone bursts out laughing.
"What's funny?" Tim asks.
"You! You listened so fast." I giggle.
"Oh come on. When are you guys going to get over the fact I'm a good husband." Tim rolls his eyes.
"Never." Angela laughs.
"Alright well if you two need anything just tell me. Get to work." Grey says eventually. The room fills with "Yes sir." then everyone splits up. 

A/N Sorry for another short chapter but hopefully there will be some longer ones soon!

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