Chapter 11

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After Towson left the Mexican Marine holds Mary's hand and smirks at her, "We should tell your children about our relationship." He said as Mary nodded in agreement.

Later, Mary gathers her children and first introduced the Mexican Marine's name, who he is and then their relationship.

As Mary gathered her children, she took a deep breath and began to address them. She introduced the Mexican Marine, sharing his name and explaining his role in their lives. With a mix of nerves and sincerity, she revealed the nature of their relationship.

"Children," Mary began, her voice filled with love and honesty, "I want to share something important with all of you. This is Corporal Juan Carlos, and he and I have developed a special bond. We care deeply for each other, and we have chosen to be in a romantic relationship."

The children listened attentively, their expressions a mix of surprise and curiosity. Mary continued, emphasizing the importance of love, respect, and understanding.

"I understand that this may come as a surprise, but it's important for you to know that love knows no boundaries. We have chosen to share this with you because we believe in honesty and openness within our family. We want all of you to be a part of our journey and accept Corporal Juan Carlos as an important person in our lives."

She paused, giving her children a chance to process the information and ask any questions they might have.

"I know you may have questions or concerns, and I'm here to listen and address them. Our family is built on love, and we believe in supporting one another through all stages of life. I hope you can accept our relationship and see the happiness it brings us."

With those words, Mary opened the floor for her children to express their thoughts and feelings, fostering an environment of understanding and acceptance within the family.

The next day, we see a large group of Barbarian tribesmen marching near the firebase. Many of the Barbarian men and women were curious seeing the humans(the Marines) and wolf demi-humans working together. Some questioned if the humans took over the village and treating wolf demi-humans as slaves.

All the Barbarian tribesmen hated any type of slavery.

Unknown to the Barbarian tribesmen, two of the marines did a risky move. Walking up to the Barbarians and talking to them. Those marines were 2nd Lieutenants Anthony Towson and Jacob Rawlins.

As 2nd Lieutenants Anthony Towson and Jacob Rawlins approached the group of Barbarian tribesmen, they could sense the tension and curiosity in the air. The tribesmen eyed them cautiously, their expressions reflecting a mix of suspicion and wariness.

Towson and Rawlins understood the importance of dispelling any misconceptions and building trust through open communication. They raised their hands in a non-threatening gesture and spoke in a calm and respectful manner.

"Greetings, honorable tribesmen," Towson began, his voice projecting sincerity and goodwill. "We come in peace and seek to foster understanding between our two groups. We are not here to conquer or enslave, but rather to work together in unity."

Jacob Rawlins nodded in agreement, his gaze meeting the eyes of the tribesmen. "We understand the importance of freedom and respect for all individuals. In our village, the wolf demi-humans are not treated as slaves but as valued members of our community, with equal rights and opportunities."

Some of the Barbarian tribesmen exchanged glances, their expressions softening slightly. Towson continued, aiming to bridge the cultural divide.

"We invite you to witness the harmony and cooperation that exists between our two races. The wolf demi-humans here are not oppressed but are our friends, allies, and family. We believe in mutual respect and understanding, and we hope to extend that to your tribe as well."

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