Chapter 41

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Meanwhile at the refreshments table is Vincent in his Dress Blues eating a few small cakes.

As Vincent reached for another small cake at the refreshments table, he suddenly felt a gentle presence beside him. Looking up, he found himself face-to-face with a striking kitsune woman, her nine tails gracefully swaying behind her.

 Looking up, he found himself face-to-face with a striking kitsune woman, her nine tails gracefully swaying behind her

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She stood tall, towering over Vincent, yet her smile radiated warmth and friendliness. With a respectful nod, he greeted her, "Good evening. I hope the festivities find you well."

The kitsune woman, with a warm and enigmatic smile, responded, "Indeed, they do. Your uniform suggests a military background. May I inquire about your role in this grand assembly?"

Vincent straightened his posture, a hint of pride in his expression, "I'm Lance-Corporal Towson, a US Marine. It's an honor to be part of this gathering, representing the military alongside my esteemed colleagues."

The kitsune woman's eyes gleamed with curiosity as she gracefully extended her hand, introducing herself, "I am Mizuki, a diplomatic envoy from the Kitsune Realm. Your presence here speaks volumes about the significance of this occasion."

Vincent shook her hand with a firm but respectful grip, "A pleasure, Mizuki. Your attire is captivating, and I must say, your tails are quite impressive."

Mizuki chuckled, the sound melodic, "Thank you, Vincent. Each tail tells a story of our heritage. Now, if you'll excuse my curiosity, I couldn't help but notice your interest in these delightful cakes."

Vincent grinned, feeling at ease in Mizuki's presence, "Guilty as charged. The cakes are irresistible. Would you care to join me for a few more?"

Mizuki's eyes sparkled with amusement as she gracefully accepted the invitation, "I would be delighted, Vincent. Let us indulge in the pleasures of both conversation and these delectable treats."

The two engaged in a light-hearted conversation, sharing stories and enjoying the festive atmosphere, their camaraderie adding a touch of warmth to the grand celebration.

It was then Mizuki looked to her right, then to her left, and then back looking at Vincent.

It was then Mizuki looked to her right, then to her left, and then back looking at Vincent

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