Chapter 35

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Five days had elapsed since the daring escape from the Demon Army's clutches. In the relative safety of their base, David, Sook, Don, Igor, and Rui had shed their disguises, returning to their usual appearances. The rescued Female Bat Demi-Human, now recovering under their care, sat with David in the base's canteen, surrounded by a supportive atmosphere.

David, seated across from her, held a bowl of pudding, offering it to her with a gentle smile. "Here, this should help with your strength," he said softly, encouraging her to eat.

The Bat Demi-Human, still visibly shaken from her ordeal, looked at the pudding with a mix of uncertainty and gratitude. She tentatively accepted the bowl from David, taking small, cautious bites while stealing glances at the people around her.

Sook, seated nearby, offered a reassuring smile to the young Bat Demi-Human. "Don't worry, you're safe here. Take your time and eat at your own pace," she said, her tone gentle and comforting.

Don, Igor, and Rui, seated at adjacent tables, glanced over occasionally, silently conveying their support and solidarity with their presence.

As the Bat Demi-Human ate, David engaged her in a soft-spoken conversation, aiming to ease her apprehension. "Do you have any family or friends you're hoping to reunite with?" he asked, his voice warm and sympathetic.

The Bat Demi-Human paused, her gaze momentarily distant, as memories seemed to flood her thoughts. She nodded slowly, speaking softly, "Yes, my family... they were taken away by the demons... I hope they're still alive..."

David nodded empathetically. "We'll do everything we can to find them and ensure your safety," he assured her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Sook chimed in, "We've dealt a significant blow to the Demon Army. With our continued efforts, we might uncover more information that could lead to finding your family."

The Bat Demi-Human looked up, a glimmer of hope in her eyes as she met their sincere gazes. She nodded, a silent thank you evident in her expression as she continued to eat the pudding, feeling a sense of comfort and support from the group surrounding her.

As they sat together in the canteen, a bond began to form—a bond forged through shared experiences, empathy, and a mutual determination to confront the challenges ahead, united in their mission to bring an end to the Demon Army's tyranny and provide hope and safety to those affected by their cruelty.

"Speaking of a significant blow," said the voice of Anthony who came up to the six's table. "that intel you guys picked up really helped. It even helped us taking that city port just now. Now we have a Navel port."

The group smiled hearing the news when the Bat Demi-Human looked up at Anthony with a glimmer of hope in her eyes, "Did any them find my family?"

Confused, he pulled out a tablet that had the registered names of the refugees and former slaves the all rescued/saved/evacuated. He looked at the Bat Demi-Human, "Your name?"

She was a bit confused, "My name?"

Anthony explained, "I just need to know your name to check if any of your family was either rescued, saved, or evacuated to this Base as they put their names in the registry incase any families that got separated and want to reunite with them."

The Bat Demi-Human nodded, understanding the purpose of Anthony's inquiry. With a gentle voice, she replied, "My name is Hana."

Anthony quickly tapped on the tablet, navigating through the registry of names. His eyes scanned the screen, searching for any matches. After a few moments, he paused, looking at the screen intently.

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