Chapter 19

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Two months later, we see USMC Lance-Corporal in a forest alone.

His name was Christopher "Chris" Towson. Anthony Towson's younger 22 year old brother.

"Dammit all! I got no signal. And no way out of here. I should've listened to my platoon Sergeant instead of the incompetent and inexperienced Second Lieutenant." He said as he continues walking in the forest with his M27 with a ACOG sight and M203 attachment pointed as he navigated around the quiet and desolate forest.

" He said as he continues walking in the forest with his M27 with a ACOG sight and M203  attachment pointed as he navigated around the quiet and desolate forest

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How he got here? He and his infantry battalion were fighting a army of Knights that were killing, pillaging and massacred Demi-Human villages and kingdoms. The Knights call themselves the "Holy Knights of the Holy Empire" and consider any and all nonhuman a Demon that must be eradicated.

The US, New Russia, New China, Australia, Ukraine, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, URK Jamaica, El Salvador and Panama sent troops to fight the Holy Knights as they dislike the atrocities the Knights were doing to innocents.

Chris was sent on a patrol to look for remnants of the 250,000 of Holy Knights him and 30,000 troops fought.

"I'm pretty sure we took out all those racist bastards. No way 250,000 can survive artillery barrages, mortar fire and gunfire from us. And no way they'll enter this damn forest." Chris complained as he kept moving as every little sound he'll point his weapon at.

As Chris moved cautiously through the forest, his senses on high alert, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. The silence of the forest was unnerving, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant sounds of wildlife. He knew he was deep in enemy territory, and the remnants of the Holy Knights could still pose a threat.

As he continued his solitary trek, his mind drifted back to the battle they had fought against the Holy Knights. The memories of the fierce combat, the chaos of the battlefield, and the camaraderie with his fellow Marines replayed in his mind. He felt a mix of pride and anger knowing that they had stood up against the Knights' cruelty and violence.

Chris couldn't deny the anxiety that gnawed at him. The isolation of the forest and the uncertainty of his surroundings weighed heavily on his mind. He thought about his older brother, Anthony, and wondered how he would handle a situation like this. Anthony's wisdom and experience were something he often looked up to.

Suddenly, a rustling sound nearby snapped Chris out of his thoughts. He instinctively raised his weapon, aiming in the direction of the noise. Tension hung in the air as he scanned his surroundings, trying to spot the source of the disturbance. The forest seemed to close in around him, every shadow casting doubt on what might be lurking.

"Who's there?" Chris called out, his voice tense but firm. He waited, his heart pounding, ready to react to whatever might emerge from the underbrush. Whether it was friend or foe, he knew he had to be prepared for anything in this unfamiliar and potentially dangerous territory.

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