Chapter 31

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Chris and Sook made their way down to the hotel lobby, where Vincent stood waiting alongside a Japanese Marine Corps Private First Class. The young woman offered a nod in acknowledgment as Chris and Sook approached.

"Morning, Vincent," Chris greeted, looking at the Private First Class. "And good morning to you too."

Vincent returned the greeting, "Morning, Chris. This is PFC Hanako Matsuda. She's joining us for the patrol today. Hanako, meet my older brother, Chris, and his friend, Sook."

Hanako saluted briefly, "Nice to meet you both

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Hanako saluted briefly, "Nice to meet you both. Ready for the patrol?"

Chris and Sook exchanged glances, affirming their readiness. "Absolutely, let's get going," Chris replied, leading the way as they left the hotel, prepared for whatever challenges awaited them in the city's slums.

The four then enters a HMMWV M1152. As PFC Hanako Matsuda attempted to reverse the HMMWV, the vehicle jolted unexpectedly, and she accidentally backed into the front of a Ukrainian Tigr Infantry Mobility Vehicle (IMV) parked behind them. The collision resulted in a loud crash, and the Ukrainian soldiers near the IMV immediately reacted.

"Oh, no!" Hanako exclaimed, her face flushed with embarrassment as the Ukrainian soldiers hurriedly approached the scene.

Chris quickly stepped out of the HMMWV, raising his hands in a peaceful gesture. "Sorry about that! It was an accident," he called out, hoping to diffuse any tension.

Sook and Vincent followed suit, both trying to convey apologies and reassure the Ukrainian soldiers. They hoped the situation wouldn't escalate, especially considering they were there on a patrol mission.

The Ukrainian soldiers, after initially hurrying over, slowed their pace upon seeing the earnest apologies from Chris, Sook, Vincent, and Hanako. They assessed the damage, which fortunately seemed minimal, mostly scuffing and a slight dent on the Tigr IMV's bumper.

One of the Ukrainian soldiers, a Sergeant, stepped forward, giving a reassuring nod. "It's alright. Accidents happen," he said in a calm tone, gesturing for his comrades to stand down. "No harm done, thankfully."

Chris breathed a sigh of relief, offering a sincere nod of gratitude. "Thank you for understanding. We'll cover any damages if necessary."

The Ukrainian soldiers exchanged a few words in their language, then the Sergeant smiled and waved it off. "Not necessary. Just be more careful next time. Stay safe on your patrol."

Relieved and grateful for the understanding response, the group acknowledged the Ukrainian soldiers before getting back into their vehicle to continue their patrol, mindful of their surroundings as they set off.

In another part of the slums in the town, we see Major Stepan Kravchuk going to a church to pray. As he enters, he saw that the church was packed with both humans and demi-humans.

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