Chapter 30

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Just outside the Que-Tourne Empire Queen's castle, we see thousands if not a hundred-thousand Que-Tourne Empire soldiers ready to enter the castle at a moments notice and execute any of the 254 Marines.

As they waited, they see movement on the rooftop of the castle. They assumed it was one of their own until a officer with binoculars saw that it wasn't Que-Tourne Empire soldiers, but 12 out of 254 US, Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese, Japanese, and South Korean Marines.

They then noticed one of them bringing the Que-Tourne Empire down and making drop to the ground like a old blanket.

A couple officers and two generals were about to rush in when they saw the 12 Marines putting up the US flag, the Russian flag, the Ukrainian flag, the Chinese flag, the Japanese flag, and the South Korean flag.

All were confused on why the have their flags up until they see the rest of the Marines walking out the castle with the Queen, her daughters, and her generals in restraints.

The Major saw the soldiers and called out to them, "From this day forward, the Que-Tourne Empire has surrendered and will be under occupation from the soldiers and marines of the United States Army & Marine Corps, the New Russia Army & Marine Corps, the Ukrainian Army & Marine Corps, the New China Army & Marine Corps, the Japanese Army & Marine Corps, and the South Korean Army & Marine Corps! So lay down your weapons because your fight and reign of power is over!"

The Que-Tourne Empire soldiers standing outside the castle were shocked by the sight of their defeated Queen, her daughters, and generals in restraints, escorted by the foreign troops. It was a dramatic moment, and the realization of their leaders' defeat began to spread through the ranks.

In response to the Major's call, a few Que-Tourne Empire soldiers hesitated but eventually began laying down their weapons. Their resistance was dwindling as the weight of their defeat settled in.

The flags of the occupying forces fluttered in the breeze, signifying a new era for the Que-Tourne Empire. The once-dominant power was now under occupation, and the soldiers who had been fighting fiercely were now faced with a different future.

It was a turning point in history, and the world watched as the former Que-Tourne Empire came to terms with its new reality, one shaped by the forces that had bested them.

As the news spread about the Que-Tourne Empire in the continent controlled by women. Many small kingdoms, tribes, and towns were left in shock about hearing the once-dominant powerful empire defeated.

But were more shocked about hearing that the ones who defeated the empire were men, women, and demi-humans from another continent/countries.

Most didn't approve about the males and demi-humans from another continent/countries fighting capabilities until it's leaders sent them something that made anyone wish it was false.

Only 16 deaths.

The alliance suffered only sixteen deaths throughout the entire conflit.

The astonishingly low number of deaths among the alliance forces was met with a mix of awe and disbelief by the leaders of the small kingdoms, tribes, and towns. The news of just sixteen casualties in a conflict that had seen the defeat of the once-dominant Que-Tourne Empire left many in shock and admiration.

The remarkable success of the alliance forces, comprising men, women, and demi-humans from different countries, showed the world the strength of unity and cooperation. Leaders and rulers of various regions began to reconsider their prejudices and biases regarding different groups of people, realizing that diversity could be a source of strength rather than division.

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