Chapter 57

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The sky was clear blue. The roaring waves of the ocean calmly masked the storm that was brewing not far from its own shores. Obstacles were planted around a beach, impeding any ship assault that was to be carried out.

Saline water continuous flow through the obstacles, neither rough nor soft. The air was still and cool. It's the calm before the storm.

Numerous of landing craft, vehicle, personnels were making their way towards the Beach, carrying mostly URK soldiers and very few UNE troops. Throughout the other sectors, Allied forces were also mobilizing; forming the largest amphibious invasion in URK military history.

The LCVPs sped through the rough sea, spraying water as the bow of the boats dipped and leveled.

The scene focuses on an individual on one of the landing crafts; his hands trembling intensively. He unsteadily grasps his metal canteen with both hands, unscrewed the cap, and lift it to his mouth. URK Scout Officer Johnson Miller a human drank from the canteen.

It then reveals several other URK soldiers. URK Senior Scout Underofficer Bear demi-human Mike Horvath is putting chewing tobacco into his mouth and several soldiers are throwing up due to seasickness.

The Landing Craft Coxswain glanced behind him before turning to his charge. "Clear the ramp! Thirty-seconds! Gods be with you!"

"Port-side stick, Starboard-side stick. Move fast and clear those murder-holes." Miller ordered his soldiers. His instructions are clear: all you guys on the left; all you on the right, I want you to move as quickly as you can and clear out the enemy's bunker.

"I want plenty of beach between men. Five men is a juicy opportunity; one man is a waste of ammo." Horvath is referring to the Cross Army archers. He wants the men to spread out to better withstand the arrow fire.

"Keep the sand out of your weapons, keep those actions clear!" Miller paused briefly, "I'll see you on the beach!"

The soldiers are nervous, anxious because for many it was their first time in action. For some, they are only 18 to 22 years old. One is crossing his chest, praying to God, and Suka Luna kisses her cross necklace and mutters a prayer.

The assault whistle is blown, the handwheels on the bow door metallically rattle as the Coxswain lowers the ramp.

"Clear the murder holes!"

The minute the ramp drops, soldiers are immediately down by arrows and magical arrows. Magical black bullets whizzed through the air, embedding themselves into the skulls of the soldiers that were to be first out from the ramp. Swaths of landing crafts quickly had their soldiers cleared out by arrows, soldiers dying in droves.

The view changes to within the Cross Army bunkers, showcasing how much of an easy target the URK soldiers were to the defenders. Apparently due to the weather, it wasn't safe for aircraft.

Miller grabbed a soldier, forcing him to the side of their landing craft. "Over the side!"

Casualties were quickly mounting as soldiers continue to advance towards the Cross Army's defensive positions, cut down by hails of arrows.

"Over the side! Over the –" The sound of war was muffled as soldiers hit the waters.

Bodies and equipment sank into the sea, magical arrows tore through the dense water leaving a fine trail in the body of water – blood blooming out from their bodies, dyeing the sea in red. The equipment, alongside overeating before the invasion, sees many men and women struggle to get it off and down in the water.

It gets worse for one soldier, a Elf who drowns.

Miller wobbled through the chest-high water, carrying the soldier who he threw overboard with him. They stumbled over the uneven ocean floor that's littered with bodies and equipment, passing by soldiers taking cover behind the obstacles the enemy laid out.

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