Chapter 27

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About three weeks later, we open up a city, once a bustling hub of life, had transformed into a somber and tense place under the occupation of the Que-Tourne Empire soldiers.

Right now, the city is on high alert as many troops were coming with either injured or dead. Inside the hospital were the slaves(men & demi-humans) helping the doctors on treating the large amount of patients.

Doing a patrol in the city was a group of fresh recruits chatting about the situation.

Doing a patrol in the city was a group of fresh recruits chatting about the situation

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"I still can't believe we lost another division last week. Even the scouts haven't came back too." A woman named Private Farrah Homes said to her friends/comrades.

"Yeah, it's been brutal out here," agreed Private Liam Turner. "The losses keep piling up, and it's hard to see an end to it. We need a breakthrough or some sort of advantage."

Private Samantha Davis chimed in, her expression weary. "We've lost communication with our scouts too. It's like they've vanished into thin air. Something isn't right."

The group's patrol continued through the occupied city, and their eyes met the grim reality of life under the Que-Tourne Empire's rule. The citizens, especially the male slaves and demi-humans, carried a heavy burden of suffering, their expressions a mix of despair and resignation.

"We've got to find a way to push back," Farrah said with determination. "We can't let this continue."

The group of recruits pressed on, aware of the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead, but also resolute in their desire to make a difference in the face of oppression.

As they continued on, an officer is shown standing on a crate addressing her fellow soldiers. She has a eyepatch on after surviving the failed attack charge that she lead three ago in the winter region.

"I have brought news of what our enemy or enemies look like!" She spoke as many soldiers paid attention, "The enemies use black automatic weapons, they speak weird unknown language, they work with the filthy demi-humans, their flags have either strange or simple designs but one flag is always seen flying on their bases and camps. The flag consists of 13 horizontal stripes, seven red alternating with six white and 50 white stars on a blue field of the flag. Another flag that is flown next to it on some bases and camps consists of a black Double-Headed Eagle displayed on a golden banner with a tricolour of three equal horizontal fields: white on the top, blue in the middle, and red on the bottom. Another flag I saw that consists of equally sized horizontal bands of blue and yellow. And lastly, most of the soldiers were men!!"

The female soldiers that were listening gasps in shock and yelled in rage hearing the their enemies were men.

The air was filled with a mixture of shock, anger, and disbelief. This new information was a game-changer, altering their perception of the enemy they had been fighting.

"They've been hiding this from us?!" one soldier exclaimed.

"Men... fighting against us?" another muttered with clenched fists.

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