Chapter 14

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About one year later, we see Anthony waking up in his estate.

Soon his butlers and maids entered his room. One of the maids is holding his USMC Service Uniform that is tailored, pressed and wrinkle-free.

"Good Morning, Master Towson." The butlers and maids greeted and bowed in unison.

"Good morning," Anthony replied with a yawn, rubbing his eyes to shake off the last remnants of sleep. He took a moment to collect himself before addressing the butlers and maids. "Thank you, everyone. I appreciate your efforts."

He got out of bed and proceeded to get dressed, donning his tailored USMC Service Uniform. The uniform fit him perfectly, reflecting the attention to detail and precision that was customary in his new life.

As he finished buttoning up his uniform, Anthony glanced at himself in the mirror, a mix of pride and humility filling his heart. He couldn't help but reflect on how far he had come from his days as a young Marine recruit.

"Now, what's on the agenda for today?" Anthony inquired, looking at the butlers and maids for guidance.

The head butler stepped forward and presented a clipboard with a list of appointments and tasks for the day. "Master Towson, today you have a meeting with your financial advisor to discuss your finances, followed by a Systems checking at the local Marine Corps base in the afternoon. In the evening, you have a dinner engagement with some esteemed guests from the neighboring kingdom."

Anthony nodded, taking note of the schedule. "Very well. Please inform my driver to prepare the SUV. I'll be heading to the financial advisor's office first."

The butlers and maids promptly relayed the message and set everything in motion, ensuring that Anthony's day would proceed smoothly.

As he left his room, Anthony couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunities and blessings that had come his way. He was determined to make the most of his newfound status and use his resources to make a positive impact in the world.

With a sense of purpose, Anthony stepped into the day ahead, ready to tackle his responsibilities and embrace the privileges that his new life had bestowed upon him.

As he walked the halls of the large estate. He went to the nursery to see his baby boys and girls.

He also knew that their mothers/his wives(Dar, Miliy, the Orc woman, the Cat woman, the Harpy, the Spider woman, the dark elf Woman, the female goblin and the princess) will be in there too.

He silently sighs to himself as he remembered the amount of kids each woman was going to give birth to. Dar, the princess, the Orc woman and the dark elf were going to have one kid. All four of the babies born were boys.

But the others.....

Miliy gave birth to six children. Four girls, two boys.

The Cat woman gave birth to five children. Four boys, one girl.

The harpy only gave birth to two children. Both boys.

The Spider woman gave birth to fifteen children. Fourteen were girls and one boy.

And the female goblin gave birth to ten children. Eight were girls and two were boys.

In short, Towson is a father of 42 children.

As Anthony entered the nursery, he was greeted by a chorus of coos and giggles from his children. The room was filled with cribs, toys, and the joyful energy of little ones.

He looked around and saw his wives, each with their own newborns in their arms or cradled in the cribs beside them. It was a sight that filled his heart with both awe and a sense of responsibility.

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