Chapter 56

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Meanwhile with US President Lincoln Clinton, Russian President Victor Gorbachev, and Chinese Madame President Xiang Meilan, they sat around a round table within Moscow. The room was filled with tension and apprehension as the three leaders deliberated over their next move in the war against the Cross Army. Especially the reports of the deaths of their fellow armed forces during the Staging Area attack.

"The reports are alarming. It's clear that the enemy is growing more bold and dangerous with each passing day." Xiang said.

"It is indeed troubling," Gorbachev said with a frown, "The death of our troops is a grievous loss. We must redouble our efforts to defend against the enemy and avenge those who have fallen."

"There's no doubt about it. The situation is becoming increasingly dire," Lincoln said, his voice heavy with concern. "The enemy has been targeting strategic locations and resources, and their ability to strike with devastating force is a significant threat to our efforts. We need to take action to address the growing crisis."

"Do you have a plan?" Xiang asked.

"As a matter of fact, I do," Lincoln said with a nod. "We need to strengthen our defenses and increase our offensive capabilities. We can't allow the enemy to dictate the terms of the battle. We need to be proactive and take the fight to them."

Gorbachev leaned forward in his seat, his eyes narrowed with intensity. "What do you propose?" he asked.

"I've already taken steps to bolster our defenses and improve our ability to counterattack," Lincoln said. "But we need more. We need to launch an all-out offensive against the enemy. We need to strike at their heart and weaken their resolve. We can't afford to let them continue their rampage unchecked."

"An all-out offensive is a dangerous prospect," Gorbachev said, his tone cautious. "Are you certain it is the best course of action?"

"No after thinking about it just now," Lincoln said firmly. "If we are going to stop this enemy, we need to go on the offensive. We can't just sit back and hope for the best. We need to take the fight to them and show them we are not afraid."

"It is a risky strategy," Xiang said, her expression thoughtful. "But I believe it is the right course of action. We cannot allow the enemy to gain the upper hand. We must seize the initiative and regain control of the situation."

"Off topic, what are the new names for your countries?" Lincoln asked the two leaders, "Because both your citizens and the other UNE leaders are still waiting. Even when we were still on Earth years prior to coming here."

Gorbachev raised an eyebrow, "Russia will be called the Russian Repubilc. And China will be the People's Republic of China. Why are you asking us this?"

Lincoln raised his hands in defense, "Just asking is all. Plus, those names sound like the ones the Ultranationalists used during the Second Russian and Chinese Civil War."

Gorbachev and Xiang flinched remembering in taking part in that war and siding with the Loyalists who are a Democratic governing political party and national army who defeated the Ultranationalists.

"So, I see." Gorbachev simply said.

Lincoln coughed, "Anyway, I have better names for both since NATO, ASEAN and Ukraine forces did heavily supported the Loyalists the against the Ultranationalist rebels."

Both the Russian and Chinese Presidents raise their eyebrows in surprise and intrigue.

"Unified States of Russia and United Provinces of China. Or USR and UPC for short." Lincoln said.

"Hmm, the Unified States of Russia..." Gorbachev pondered, "Yes, I can see the appeal."

"United Provinces of China... it has a nice ring to it," Xiang remarked with a smile.

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