Chapter 22

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A few months later, we open up to a continent up north where it's controlled by women.

As they are the ones who fight both for the nation and their people and get the victor spoils.

Including men.

There is only one man for every nine women and as a result, men play more of a private role and take no part in public life.

Women with power, take and plunder, as many men as possible. While those without will share the few men left with their sisters and neighbors. This was because the value of a man is much appreciated in this actual sense.

They are jealousy coveted and sold for large sums.

Even leaving or escaping was dangerous for men. As they would be either captured or taken as "playthings".

We see a young female knight, Seraphina, led her party of eight other skilled female knights as they walked through the bustling town. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the cobblestone streets and the quaint buildings that lined them.

The people of the town, mostly women, went about their daily business, trading goods, and sharing stories. A few children played in the streets, their laughter echoing through the town square. It was a harmonious sight, one that Seraphina cherished.

As they passed through the town, the women hailed Seraphina and her knights with nods of respect and admiration. They were well-known throughout this land, their valor in battle and their commitment to protecting their people earning them the utmost respect.

One of the knights, a seasoned warrior named Elara, approached Seraphina with a report. "Commander, the patrols at the northern border have reported increased activity from the neighboring kingdom. It seems they are eyeing our resources again."

Seraphina furrowed her brow in concern. The neighboring kingdom had often sought to expand its territory, and Seraphina's duty was to ensure the safety of her land. "Thank you, Elara. Gather the others, and we will discuss our strategy tonight."

The party continued through the town, their presence a reminder to the townsfolk that they were safe under the protection of these valiant knights. Seraphina couldn't help but think about the men in their society, living a life of privacy, their worth measured differently. It was a world with its own unique challenges and complexities, one that she had grown to understand and respect.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Seraphina and her knights made their way to their headquarters, ready to face the challenges of their world, one where women held the power and responsibility of safeguarding their land and their way of life.

The next morning, high above the skies of the continent. We see two dragons soared gracefully through the clear morning skies, their massive wings catching the sunlight as they glided in formation. Their presence was a majestic sight against the backdrop of the vast continent below.

Flying alongside them were the modern marvels of human aviation, a JSDF F-35 fighter jet and a USAF F-22 Raptor. These cutting-edge aircraft showcased the blending of traditional and advanced technologies.

As the four flew, they had conversation about last night's basketball game against the US Army Rangers and JSDF Rangers.

The dragons were also wearing specialized headsets so they could join in on the conversation, too.

The pilot of the JSDF F-35, Captain Aoki, grinned as he spoke into his headset, "That game last night was something else, huh? The US Army Rangers put up quite a fight."

Captain Rodriguez, flying the USAF F-22 Raptor, chuckled in agreement, "Absolutely. Our JSDF Rangers gave them a run for their money, but it was all in good fun. These inter-military games are a great way to foster camaraderie."

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