Chapter 12

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Meanwhile, we see three destroyers from the US, South Korea and Japan near the coast of Guam.

As a US sailor was doing a patrol on the destroyer. He sees a woman with fins in the water.

Thinking that the woman is stranded and in need of help was about to call in when the woman started singing.

The sailor stopped what he was doing and as if he was in a trance.

Many more women came out of the water and started singing as well around the three ships making all the male sailors stopped doing anything.

Many more women came out of the water and started singing as well around the three ships making all the male sailors stopped doing anything

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However, the female sailors on each ship weren't effected by the trance like singing. They did catch on quickly believing it was mermaids and took action. By using the destroyers horns.

This action made the mermaids around the ships stop singing and covered their ears. The males now back to normal began putting on headphones that their governments gave to the sailors incase they encounter mermaids.

The mermaids tried again, but the sailors just smirks as the singing wasn't working.

As the mermaids realized their enchanting singing had no effect on the sailors wearing headphones, they exchanged perplexed glances. It was clear that their usual method of mesmerizing sailors had been rendered ineffective. With their enchantment foiled, they began swimming closer to the ships, observing the curious humans who were impervious to their captivating melodies.

Meanwhile, the female sailors, undeterred by the mermaids' allure, took charge of the situation. Recognizing the potential danger and the need for communication, they coordinated efforts between the three ships. Utilizing their training and experience, they swiftly relayed orders to their male counterparts, ensuring they remained focused and alert.

The mermaids, unable to lure the sailors into their trance-like state, grew increasingly frustrated. They attempted to communicate with the sailors through gestures and songs that lacked their mesmerizing qualities. However, the sailors, now aware of the mermaids' presence, maintained their composure and followed the protocols established by their governments to handle such encounters.

As tensions eased, the sailors and mermaids entered a cautious state of observation. The sailors, though cautious, found themselves intrigued by the ethereal beauty of the mermaids, while the mermaids regarded the humans with curiosity and intrigue as well. Both sides began to understand that they were encountering beings from different realms, and peaceful coexistence seemed possible.

Recognizing the importance of this unique encounter, the naval authorities of the United States, South Korea, and Japan initiated diplomatic channels to establish communication with the mermaids. Linguists, marine biologists, and experts in inter-species communication were brought in to facilitate meaningful dialogue and foster understanding between the sailors and the mermaids.

Over time, trust gradually developed as both sides realized their shared interest in peaceful interactions and mutual respect. Cultural exchanges took place, allowing for the exchange of knowledge and the celebration of each other's unique attributes. The sailors and mermaids found common ground through shared experiences and stories, forming a bridge between their worlds.

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