Chapter 34

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We open up to about three days later, the war against the Demon Army has been going.... slowly.

Mainly because of how the psychological maneuvers the Marines and Air Force were doing to insure fear in demons worked out too well.

Sure it clear out any straggling innocent villagers and townsfolk out of Demon Army occupied villages and towns. But for the three days soldiers, airmen, Marines, sailors, Demi-Humans, URK Army soldiers, Knights, tribesmen, witches and wizards, vampires, Fairies, etc were doing nothing but evacuations of innocent people.

Yes it's a good deed and they enjoyed the praises and wishes for great successful futures.

But they were bored. No action. Just. Completely. Bored.

Their expectations of intense combat or significant engagements had been replaced by a prolonged period of tedious but necessary evacuations.

As days passed without any significant action against the Demon Army, the troops grew restless. The initial adrenaline and enthusiasm for the mission began to wane, replaced by a palpable sense of boredom. Routine tasks and constant evacuations of innocent civilians became the norm, leaving many longing for some form of engagement or purposeful activity.

Conversations among the troops, Demi-Humans, and other beings involved in the operation echoed a common sentiment of eagerness for action.

"Man, when are we gonna get to the real stuff?"

"I didn't sign up for a babysitting mission!"

"I'm starting to miss those peanut and onion runs!"

The yearning for some action or combat scenarios grew stronger with each passing day. Troops, used to the thrill of the mission and the urgency of battle, found themselves in a peculiar state of impatience, craving the intensity of the battlefield.

Despite the noble nature of their current task, the monotony was taking its toll, leaving many eager for a change in the situation, yearning for the chance to actively confront the Demon Army and put their skills to use.

We then go to the command center where we see Lieutenant General William R. Cole on his desktop.... playing minesweeper.

Okay he was bored too-

"Excuse me, sir?" A Japanese Marine Corps 1st Lieutenant named Yoji Itami said and knocked on the door.

Cole immediately switched off the game to something else and stared at the man, "Yeah, what is it?"

"Permission to speak freely and enter, sir?" Itami said as Cole motioned him to enter his office.

Itami stepped in and saluted before addressing General Cole, "Sir, the troops have been anxious. They're eager for action. The waiting, the evacuations... it's taking its toll on morale."

Cole leaned back in his chair, nodding slowly. "I get it, Lieutenant. It's not what any of us expected. Boredom in a warzone ain't exactly a textbook scenario."

"Yes, sir. I thought perhaps organizing some training exercises or drills might help keep morale up. It could keep everyone sharp and ready, sir," Itami suggested.

Cole considered the idea for a moment, tapping his fingers on the desk. "You might be onto something there, Lieutenant. Let's make it happen. Get the word out. Let's turn this downtime into something productive."

Itami saluted again. "Understood, sir. I'll make the arrangements immediately."

As Itami turned to leave, Cole called after him, "And Lieutenant?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Thanks for speaking up. This downtime's been killing us all."

Itami nodded respectfully and exited the office, ready to implement some activities to keep the troops engaged and prepared during the lull in the conflict.

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