Chapter 45

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Ground hard steel, squashing gentle blades of grass as it began to offload its troops. 2,000 Codsworth men. All clad in traditional armor, they rapidly marched out of their transport and stood to attention in their ranks for their 14 officers.

This was one of many rights of submission. The country had assumed that the UNE as a backwater barbarian Coalition of humans working with the demi-humans, owing to their internal strife.

So many of the empires and great nations. Invoked the right of submission, a right with a locals would be challenged to a duel between two warring forces. The process was simple, a war would take place that would have two static units. Engaging in war over territory no more than 10,000 men. Per side would be allowed to commit to the conflict.

The loser would permanently forfeit any claim to their land and hand anything that would be used to benefit the winner. Again, at any time, even the home country could be invoked.

If the defender loses the battle, they would immediately abandon all operations and leave the area if they refuse the entire compact would attack them and wipe them out, it was easier and simpler than mass genocide or outright warfare and costed less lives and resources. It was a system that worked for centuries and to make it fair for local primitives or other such civilizations.

The right would be conducted on their own home turf to give an advantage.

The men were expecting an easy victory as they marched.

This would be easy.

Not only because a jungle was their own natural element, but also due to a technological advantage, they had musket rifles and flintlock pistols, cannons, and tracked armored vehicles with a heavy cannon on top.

This would be all too easy to defeat, the human's primitive coalition, black rifles and projectiles.

After all, the troops disembarked and waited for their orders, they stood to attention, checking weapons, a bright red, flash of light in the sky from a large flare signaled the start of the right and the general began a speech.

All present, puffed their chests with pride and held their heads high.

'This would be an easy victory,' they thought.

As their sensory magic could pick up no movement anywhere or see anything nearby. The general stopped in his tracks, let out a soft moan of pain, and then collapsed on the ground.

A soldier broke ranks and attempted to provide aid. Only to find a small hole in the back of the general's head as blood now stained his hands.

He screamed out they were under attack just as his squad captain led out a small squishy noise splattering blood on the poor sod behind him. Then he fell to the floor dead. Panic gripped the unit as they sprinted for cover and began looking for targets, only to find none. A few moments passed with nothing but silence no more deaths. No nothing.

One officer poked his head out to check for anything and instantly died as a arrow went into his eye.

The group began to panic fire into the trees. Six more men died from either bullets or we aimed arrows. Each one a perfect shot right to his head. Even though, these men wore helmets, that easily deflected shots or arrows on top the head. In most cases the bullets just pierced straight through and the arrows hit the open slits where the  eyes or mouth are.

The panic fire continued for a bit longer in and a few officers braved, the firing line calling to stop a few tense moments followed and no more death happened.

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