Chapter 39

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Anthony's surprise at the invitation was evident in the furrow of his brow and the quizzical tone in his voice. The Head Butler and Head Maid, standing nearby, exchanged glances, both wearing expressions of intrigue and anticipation at this unexpected development.

"Seems like an extraordinary opportunity, Sir," the Head Butler remarked, his voice reflective of the gravity of the invitation.

The Head Maid nodded in agreement, a hint of excitement in her demeanor. "A royal invitation is quite an honor, Sir. It's not every day one receives such a request."

Anthony considered the implications, setting the letter down on the table beside him. "Indeed, it's rather unexpected. A meeting with a king and his family... Quite the turn of events."

The Head Butler stepped forward, offering a respectful suggestion. "Shall we prepare your attire and ensure all arrangements are in place, Sir? It would be fitting to make a suitable impression on such an occasion."

Anthony nodded in agreement, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Yes, please. Let's make the necessary preparations. I wouldn't want to keep royalty waiting."

The Head Maid and Head Butler immediately set about organizing the arrangements, swiftly ensuring that Anthony's attire and all necessary details were attended to, recognizing the significance of this meeting and the importance of presenting themselves in a manner befitting the honor of such an invitation.

The next day we see a USAF C-17 flying.

The C-17 rumbled steadily through the sky, carrying Captain Towson and his wives towards the Air Base neighboring the kingdom where they had been extended a royal invitation. Inside the aircraft, the atmosphere was a mix of anticipation and curiosity, with Anthony and his wives engaged in quiet conversations while gazing out at the passing landscape below.

Anthony, sitting among his wives, glanced out of the window, taking in the aerial view with a contemplative expression. "It's not often we get to embark on such ventures. Quite the unique experience."

Miliy, sitting nearby, nodded in agreement, her expression a blend of excitement and intrigue. "Indeed, dear. A meeting with royalty is something that doesn't happen every day."

Flit, who was seated beside Miliy, leaned in with a smile. "I wonder what the kingdom will be like. The invitation seemed so formal and grand."

Dar, sitting close by, added with a sense of wonderment, "I heard tales of this kingdom. Its history is said to be quite fascinating."

Reata, engaged in a book nearby, glanced up with interest. "I hope we get a chance to learn more about their customs and traditions."

Farly, with her characteristic enthusiasm, added, "I hope we get to see their palace! Maybe even their treasury!"

Vem, more reserved, spoke softly, "I wonder what kind of rulers they are... How they manage their kingdom."

Yoa, always seeking adventure, grinned, "Maybe they have secret passages in their castle!"

The rest of the wives, Geert and Volet, chimed in with their own thoughts and observations, creating a diverse tapestry of expectations and enthusiasm for the impending meeting.

Anthony, surrounded by their diverse perspectives, smiled warmly at his wives. "Whatever it may be, let's approach this meeting with respect and open minds. It's a chance to learn and build connections."

As the C-17 continued its journey, the excitement among Captain Towson and his wives grew, each filled with a sense of anticipation and curiosity about the kingdom awaiting their arrival. The prospect of meeting royalty and experiencing a new culture enkindled a shared sense of adventure among them, heightening their spirits as they drew closer to their destination.

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