Yearning (BF Scenarios)

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-- Yearning --
~ You Become Friends ~
Chapter 2 of "Boyfriend Scenarios"
Type of fic: general - SFW
Request: N/A
Please enjoy!

There was a yearning; a deep yearning for more literary wonders to be held in your hands. A disgruntled sigh escapes your lips as you close the book you held, fingers solemnly grazing the spine and then over the cover; over the golden cursive to the silky string bookmark that now hangs between the last two pages. It was such a fantastic book; one of those where you just yearn to live in its world. But alas, good stories all must have an ending, right?

Or so you thought; not unless you pick up the next book, the next story, the next work of art to take you to far away lands, out of reach of reality. A world of illusions. You glance at the clock on your wall; 12:45. It was a Sunday in the summer days of Japan, meaning school was out for the day, otherwise you'd be at your job still, helping the Pro Hero Eraserhead with his students. You hum to yourself as you stand up and approach your bookshelf, sliding the book you had just finished into its correct slot between many other spines. Eyes glaze over the many different titles and authors; you've read all of these already... it seems like it was time to take a trip to your local bookstore.

You stand up from your couch and quickly get dressed, having been in your pyjamas all day. Slipping on your shoes, you pet your cat, [cat's name]. She meows and headbutts your arm, asking for more scratches. You chuckle and scratch her ears a few seconds longer before dusting your hand off from her fur. Walking into the kitchen, she follows you and jumps onto the counter and watches you with hopeful eyes. Knowing exactly what she wants, you grab a paper plate and a can of cat food from the fridge. You dish it out on the ceramic and slide it over to her like you were a bartender sliding a shot down the counter. [Cats name] immediately digs in, mostly licking at the juice before picking at the actual food.

You decide to grab a quick snack yourself, deciding on a plain yoghurt. Hand reaches inside one of your drawers, grabbing a plastic spoon. You pop open the yoghurt and toss the lid in the trash. Your cat stares at you every now and then as you rush around and grab your things; phone, bag, keys. You kiss your cat goodbye before you walk out of your apartment, feeling the warm sun bearing down on you. Thankfully, the walk wasn't a long one.

As you enter the bookstore, the smell of old pages and ink hits your nose. It was a comfortable aroma; a welcome home. A labyrinth of wonders lays before you, eyes gleaming over all the different placards that read what genre of a row you were looking in. Sunlight poured in through the slitted windows, casting warm shadows in crooks and nannies and even warmer glow on the books. Hushed whispers and the rustles of page-turning was the only sound that cut the eerie silence of the bookstore.

Unbeknownst to you, however, Aizawa stands in just the next two shelves over, his gaze eyeing you up curiously; full of intrigue. "What are they doing here?"

His gaze seems to soften as he notices your expression as you look at the many books in your favourite section. It takes him a few seconds to muster up the courage to approach you; is it wrong to approach a colleague outside of work? No, right? It's just an... unexpected encounter.

Aizawa decides to step out from the row of bookshelves, his footsteps quiet and imperceptible; as they need to be when he's on the job. With every step, he closes the distance between you both. After a second's time, he ultimately stands right behind you, close enough that you can feel the subtle shift in the air around you.

"(L/N)," his low voice rumbles behind you, the sound of it resonating within your chest. His voice startles you, making you whip your head around in surprise to see him standing there, hand mid-stretch as if he was going to grab your shoulder.

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