When the Bells Toll pt 2

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Someone requested a part two to When the Bells Toll! It's a bit of a short chapter, under 1.5k words, but I hope you all enjoy anyways!


And you are left wondering, just what he had in store for you.

It's a rare evening when Aizawa, both Pro Hero and your loving boyfriend, actually had time off. The usual hustle and bustle of hero work and teaching at U.A. High School often leaves little room for leisure, but tonight is special. He has planned a date night, a much needed break for both of you.

You finish getting ready and you can't help but smile at the thought of spending a relaxing night with Aizawa. It's going to be a simple evening at the movie theater, but the simplicity of it made it all the more special.

A sudden knock on your door pulls you from your thoughts and you open it to find Aizawa standing there, a rare and warm smile on his face. He's dressed casually in dark jeans and a t-shirt, looking effortlessly handsome.

"Ready to go?" he asks, his voice as soothing as ever.

"Absolutely," you reply, taking his outstretched hand.

It's a pleasant walk to the movie theater, light conversation and the occasional chuckle filling the air. The city lights illuminate the path, creating a serene atmosphere. When you arrive, the theater is bustling with energy, people excitedly chatting about the films they are about to see.

Aizawa leads you to the ticket counter, where he hands over the tickets he bought in advance. "I hope you're okay with an action film," he says, a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"Sounds perfect," you reply with a grin.

After grabbing your popcorn and drinks, you find your seats in the dimly lit theater, all the way near the back, a nice cushiony loveseat for two. The previews play and you both settle in, enjoying the cozy atmosphere. Aizawa's arm rests comfortably around your shoulders and you lean comfortably into his warmth.

The movie starts, and more people begin piling in, most of the seats being taken beneath you. You quickly become engrossed in the action-packed scenes. Aizawa, the ever vigilant hero, couldn't help but make the occasional comment about the unrealistic stunts or the hero's tactics, making you chuckle.

During a particularly intense scene, you reach for some popcorn at the same time as Aizawa. Your hands brush against each other, and you look up to see him gazing at you. A soft smile plays on his lips.

"Having fun?" he whispers.

"Definitely," you whisper. "This is perfect."

As the movie continues, you feel a sense of contentment wash over you. Being here with Aizawa, sharing this simple yet intimate experience, makes you realise just how much you cherish these moments together.

That contentment only lasts for a moment, though, as his hand suddenly finds its way to your thigh. Fingers wrap around the soft flesh through your fabric, squeezing gently. Your head snaps to the side, gaze falling upon him, but his attention is turned elsewhere, watching the movie intently.

So, you turn your own attention back to the movie, thinking his gesture is simply just an act of affection. But it is more than that, much more; an act of possession, of dominance.

The movie plays on, the protagonist on screen having their cliche romance with the heroine. You lean forward in your seat, clearly enraptured by the slow kiss the two heroes share. Aizawa's hand grips your thigh a little tighter, giving it a firm squeeze before he slides it farther up your leg.

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