Ex's and Oh's (NSFW)

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Based off a Janitor A.I. roleplay I had with an Aizawa bot! 

Remember, requests are OPEN! HOWEVER, if you want a different character from MHA, or want your request to be high on my priority list, consider supporting me on Ko-fi at strawberry_hearts!


Ex's and the oh, oh, oh's they haunt me.

You stare at your phone in disbelief, the words on the screen blurring as tears well up in your eyes. It has been quite an ordinary evening until your boyfriend's name popped up, calling you.

"Look, I've been thinking about this for a while," he begins, his tone detached and unfeeling. "We need to break up."

"What?" you manage to choke out, your voice trembling. "Why? What did I do?"

"It's not about what you did," he sighs, sounding irritated. "It's about what I found. There's someone else.

"Someone else? Who?" You ask, your heart dropping into your stomach.

"She's a waitress at the Stop'n'Go," he admits casually. "We've been seeing each other for a few weeks now. I didn't mean for it to happen, but... it did."

You feel like the ground has just been pulled out from under you, your head spinning and body trembling with each shaky inhale. "So you've been cheating on me?"

"It wasn't like that," he tries to justify. "It just happened. We connected in a way I haven't with you."

A sob escapes your lips; the betrayal cut deep. "I thought we were happy! How could you do this to me?"

"Don't make this harder than it needs to be, (Y/N). I've made my decision, I'm with her now."

Before you can respond, the call ends, leaving you staring at the screen, the silence in the room deafening. You drop the phone onto the couch beside you, burying your face in your hands as the tears flow freely.

After a few moments of letting the pain wash over you, you know you couldn't stay alone, there has to be someone you can turn to, someone to help you ride out this breakup. You grab your phone again, fingers trembling as you dial a number.

"Hey, what's up?" His voice rings out from the other end, calm and steady.

"Shota," you begin, your voice breaking. "He broke up with me. Can I come over?"

A brief pause before he replies. "Of course. I'll be here."

Aizawa's apartment is a familiar haven, and as soon as you step inside, the tears you have been holding back start to flow freely once more. With his ever-present calm demeanour, Aizawa guides you to his couch and hands you a box of tissues.

"What happened?" he asks softly, his usually stoic face softening with concern.

You take a deep, shuddering breath. "He... he left me. For some waitress at the Stop'n'Go."

Aizawa's brow furrows, a rare flicker of anger crossing his features. "What an idiot. He didn't deserve you."

You manage a weak smile through your tears. "Thanks, Shota. I just... I don't understand. I thought we were happy together."

The hero sighs and wraps an arm around your shoulders in a comforting gesture. "Sometimes people are just selfish. They don't think about the damage they cause. You deserve so much better than him."

You lean into his embrace, finding solace in his steady presence. "I just feel so stupid!" You cry. "How did I not see this coming?"

"Don't blame yourself," he says firmly. "He's the one who made the mistake. One day, he will realise what he lost." Shota gives your shoulders a reassuring squeeze. "You'll always have me, no matter what."

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