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Summary: Based on a c.ai chat I've had with Aizawa so please keep in mind he may not be entirely in character.

You're a villain desperately trying to get away from the hero.


 -- Rainwater --

Type of fic: general - sfw
Request: No
Please enjoy!
Keep in mind, requests are open!


Faster. Faster! I have to run faster!

Like a relentless drumbeat, the thought echoes through your mind, each step pounding in time. Your feet swiftly connect with the rough yet slippery surface of the rooftop, breaths sounding ragged and desperate. The city of Musutafu stretches out before you, towering buildings creating a labyrinth of endless possibilities.

Rain and cold wind whips against your face, the scent of rain-soaked asphalt being carried with it. A sea of stars overhead punctuates the darkening sky, an eerie contrast to the chaos below you; the hum of city life ringing faintly in your ears. Stealing a quick look back behind you, you see him - Aizawa, the pro hero, relentlessly pursuing you.

Legs work to their limits, heart races to keep up, adrenaline rushes through your veins; your whole body aches as you run and hop across rooftops. Each stride takes you farther and farther and he gets closer and closer, his unwavering determination casting a long shadow over your escape. His capture weapon snakes through the air, inches away from your fleeing body. The sound of it whistling through the wind serves as a haunting reminder that he is quickly gaining ground.

The rain on the rooftop you run on causes your feet to slip for just a moment, sending your heart leaping into your throat.

I can't afford to get caught. Not now, not after all I've done.

"Stop running!" you hear him shout, his voice bouncing off the walls of taller buildings around you, making it sound like he's everywhere at once. "Surrender peacefully, we can resolve this without any further incident!"

Gritting your teeth, the taste of defiance is profound on your lips. That was definitely not an option. The mission you've sworn to complete, the mission of gathering intel on the students of Class 1-A – all depends on your escape.

The chase continues, a dance of predator and prey on the urban stage of rooftops. Each jump, each ledge navigated, takes you further into the city and further away from your capture. Aizawa is unyielding, however, his eyes, focused on you, flash red behind his signature yellow goggles.

His capture weapon darts out towards your feet, missing you by an inch. You were nimble and quick, the distance you have giving you just enough of an advantage. Without your quirk, you were stuck in a simple cat-and-mouse chase across the city.

A glimmer of hope strikes you in the corner of your eye. Taking a faithful glance towards the end of the rooftops you were on, you spot a construction scaffold – a bridge between two skyscrapers. Your energy is beginning to wane, but you push for it anyway. For just a moment, you turn towards Aizawa, a sly grin playing on your lips.

"Give it up already, villain!" He barks, sending his capture weapon towards your feet again.

But you have a final trick up your sleeve! You activate a concealed device within your raincoat and a blinding flash of light envelopes the rooftop. Aizawa shields his eyes and stumbles backwards momentarily.

Now is your chance.

With a renewed sense of determination, you push yourself across the swaying scaffolding, feet landing precariously on the platforms. Your heart pounds, knowing that the city's chaotic depths below you hide countless secrets and yet you're determined to keep yours hidden, even if it means staying ahead of the Pro Hero one rooftop at a time.

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