Happy Pills

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-- Happy Pills --

Type of fic - general - sfw

Requested by: HallucinXation on Archive of Our Own. "Request: Funny moments of Aizawa being high on medication at the hospital after an injury. Reader, his girlfriend keeps him company while the meds affect Aizawa to make him more affectionate."

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"Shota," you drawl out, closely hugging his arm as you walk with him down the streets of Musutafu. You cast a hopeful gaze up at him, the crisp morning air nipping at your skin. "Can we get some coffee? Please?"

A small, subtle smile tugs at the corners of Shota's lips, a low chuckle resonating from deep within his throat that sends shivers up your spine. "Sure, we can get some coffee."

The two of you make your way to a quaint cafe to settle into, the wind carrying the scent of the city. As you both take a seat, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee envelopes you, mingling with the soft murmur of background chatter. An eclectic mix of tables of chairs that provided soft cushioning and pristine surface-tops, all under the dim lighting of the lamps that hang from the ceiling. Finding solace in the plush cushions and gentle hum of old jazz that plays through hidden speakers, you sigh in content. Grabbing the menu off the small rack, you flip through the different pastries and drinks.

Aizawa looks on, a small smile on his lips as he rests his chin in the palm of his hand, knowing fully well that you were just going to order your usual, and that you were looking through the menu for no real reason. It was like clockwork; Aizawa had lost count of the amount of times the two of you came to sit at the same table next to the window, how you looked through the menu just to order your favourite, and then ask him about his.

"What do you want, baby?"

Ah, there it is.

"My usual. What about you?" Fake ignorance.

There's a playful glint in your eyes as you flip through the menu, pretending to deliberate over the choices. "Decisions, decisions," you mumble, sighing. Aizawa raises an eyebrow, clearly seeing through your act. With a mock sigh, you finally close the menu and give him an exaggerated look of uncertainty.

"I think," you say with a theatrical pause, "I'll go with my usual cappuccino and slice of cake."

Aizawa chuckles softly, as if he expected nothing less.

The barista, who'd been observing the interaction, jots down your order on her IPad. She marks down Aizawa's order as well; a strong black coffee and whatever pastry you get. The two of you were regulars at this cafe, and typically when you go straight to the tables, it meant you weren't changing your order for the day.

The cafe's door suddenly swings open with a forceful push, causing the bell to jingle louder than usual. An ominous figure steps inside, the air growing tense as the ambient sounds of the shop diminish. Panic ripples through the cafe as patrons and staff gasp and scramble for cover, all eyes on the masked figure in the doorway.

"Well, well, if it isn't Eraserhead himself. Oh, and what's this?" The villain inquires, slowly stepping towards you and your boyfriend, weapon in hand. "Out on a date with your girlfriend huh? How cute. Y'know, I've been meaning to make a name for myself. Meaning to seize the opportunities I get. And, well, I'm seizing this one."

"What do you want?" Aizawa hisses, abruptly standing up, the force of his sudden movement knocking his chair over. His hand reaches for his capture weapon, free hand gripping his goggles and pulling them down over his eyes.

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