Rainwater pt2

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A continuation of the previous chapter.

-- Rainwater --
Type of fic: general - sfw
Request: No
Please enjoy!
Keep in mind, requests are open!


Soft glimmer of a dim lamp illuminated your sanctuary, the ceasing rain outside leaving the city damp and refreshed. Your chest heaves with remnants of exhaustion as you gingerly dabbed at a bruise on your thigh – it serves as a reminder of your close encounter with Aizawa. Having managed to escape his pursuit, even if only temporarily, granted you with a giddy thrill. Tossing the alcohol-soaked cotton ball into your trash, you flump backwards onto your mess of a bed, allowing yourself a moment of respite. The world of heroes and villains could wait outside your door for a little while.

Tranquillity is always short-lived, however.

Adrenaline surges anew as your senses snap to attention upon hearing the all-too-familiar sound of glass shattering, bringing you out of your momentary reprieve.

Was it Aizawa? Did he track me down to finish the job?

Without an ounce of hesitation, you shoot up from your bed. Your heart leaps into your throat, pounding and throbbing. On instinct, you reach into a concealed compartment underneath your bed, where you retrieve a small device, similar to the flashbang you used earlier this evening. You stealthily move towards the living room, clutching it tightly in your hand.

And there it stands; a sight that chills you to the bone and causes you to pale. A hulking figure, grotesque appearance beautifully framed by the wreckage it just caused crashing into your apartment.

You thought yourself safe within your own walls of your abode, but it seems that the city's chaos always seems to find you. The situation escalates beyond anything you've ever anticipated.

Yellow eyes fixate on you as it approaches, its movements slow and deliberate as if savouring the fear it instilled. You were a strategist, and even in the face of terror, you kept your wits.

"Stay back!" You snap at it, your voice a steady contrast to the tremble in your hands. "I won't hesitate to use this!" Your words were more to convince yourself rather than threaten the hulking beast before you.

It responds to you with a low, guttural growl – a sound that sends shivers down your spine. Your mind was racing with thoughts as you weighed your options. Using the device in your hand could help, but its effectiveness against a nomu was uncertain at best. Running might be a gamble too considering how fast these things can be, especially with your current state of exhaustion; running was all too familiar to you but yet so draining.

The nomu advances further, intentions inscrutable. Your heartbeat seems to echo throughout your apartment, time slowing. Before you could make a decision however, a sudden noise from the corridor drew your attention.

With a resounding thud, the door to your apartment is forcefully pushed open. A figure emerges, silhouetted by the dim lighting of your apartment. Your blood runs cold as recognition strikes you like a bolt of lightning.

"Well, well, well," he purrs, his voice dripping with malevolence. "Look who we have here."

Shigaraki Tomura, leader of the League of Villains, stands in the doorframe, his ghastly hand mask and ruffled appearance sending another shiver down your spine. He slowly steps into your apartment, the scent of chaos and destruction following him like a haunting melody.

You press your back firmly against the opposite wall of your living room, your wide eyes darting between the subdued nomu and Shigaraki. A nightmare you couldn't have anticipated.

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